I Currently own a very nice 2002 954 but have never owned or ridden the current blade from 2008 onwards. I am after owners of both bikes to just give me a quick run down of the main differences, but especially what the two riding positions are regarding bar and seat comfort, angles to the pegs etc and how both compared ref commuting and/or longer runs etc. Ta.
Hello! I can't remember too clearly as I had my 02 some time ago, however... I recall my 954 being just as uncomfy as my 08. I fitted rearsets to the 02, which may have contributed, although I fitted them to try and get more comfy. Don't get me wrong, I've ridden sports bikes for years and love them, but the riding positon on both these bikes is sporty and I don't rate either of them for comfort. Both bikes give me a sore lower back and aching hips after about 50 miles.
No problem, thanks for that, given i am a short arese the pegs are just fine for me, I had thought of adding bar risers, the sort of thing variobars or the american version.... can't just remember the name. But apart form that, its not too bad, i think after a sit up bike its just getting used to the position of the bars and the brake and clutch levers, although i may try and move these a tad to make them a bit better. I had thought the 08 would be a lot comfier, but as you say, they are all sports bikes and are not designed with that in mind.
One of the first things I did with mine when I got it was to roll the levers down to make a straighter line through my forearms, wrist and hands. It really helped.
I had an early Blade and then an SP1 then a 2007 blade, and the 2010 I have now is the most comfy by far as far as sportsbikes go! I'm not exacly tall, 29" inside leg, so maybe the crouched riding position suits me as I do 150 to 200 miles before I start getting any discomfort, and then mainly because of my arthritis. Comuting's not great but it wont be on any of these sort of bikes but on the whole I think it's the best of the crop.
Yep, thats it, i thought it may help, i will do this asap, i think having a straight line (so to speak) through your hands and bar would assist with comfort, but i have not yet come across anybody with bar risers like the Gilles, they can be expensive though and a hassle to fit i understand, so i may see how i go.