Why you shouldn’t ever lose your temper

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freedom of choice, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Ok. Those that know me or work with me know I am can be quite volatile if pushed but also know that it takes a lot for me to completely lose my temper but when it goes, it goes and there is no bringing me back, complete silence on my part is the full and final warning.

    I had a couple of phone calls on the way home earlier week that pushed me from 1 to 9 without going via 2 to 8, its wasn’t the issue, far from it, issues I can sort out, it was being bullshitted, meaning I didn’t have all the facts to be able to resolve the situation in a professional and timely manner.

    So I am already at 9 and I am saying nothing, I know I am being lied to but ask one more time for the truth, I want to hear it from the source of the problem. But……I get another cover story, and it doesn’t even match the original jackanory……..Silence………………nothing but silence……. That’s it, Bingo, we hit 10 and my brain explodes and I am into orbit. I completely lose the plot and sling my blackberry out the window of my car. Better that than what I wanted to say.

    Now this now means I have to talk to IT the next morning and explain why I have lost my Blackberry, an easy blag but, and now this is where the “why you shouldn’t lose your temper” comes in.
    I get issued a new Blackberry Z30……..it’s nothing like my old one, no button, not the operating system I understand……it’s a new, latest specification, you lucky boy, fcuk off Blackberry smart phone. Smart… my arse…. I have had it two days, IT have had to link it to my car, no button controller, I can’t make head or tail of this swipe this, swipe that bollocks.

    I have a face to face meeting with the person responsible for this whole sorry issue and I really hope I can get a grip with my new phone before he come’s clean with valid reasons for his deception or its going to end in tears and trust me and they won’t be mine.

    I hate these kind of situations, they un- stabilise my team but I am not having anyone untrusted.

    So if you find an old style Blackberry on the A14 its mine and can I have it back please.

    Plus, if you have a Blackberry Z30 and can work out how you use it I would really appreciate your giving me some tuition.

    just realised it didn't spell loose in the title correctly, typo error.Sorry about that.
    #1 Freedom of choice, Jan 8, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2015
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  2. Dave V

    Dave V Elite Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    I've got the Z10 as a work phone, will be similar.

    Swipe up from the bottom and down from the top as well as side to side for menus etc.

    They are crap, worse phone I've had.
  3. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Speak nicely to IT and see if you can get a Blackberry Classic

  4. Souleh

    Souleh Active Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    My work phone is a bold 9900 but it keeps fucking up and I've had to reinstall the OS no less than 30 time in 6 weeks. I'm scared to get a new one cause when it works, the bb9900 is actually a great work phone. Does everything well and it's basically built to be a work phone. Battery lasts a week too!

  5. r1monkey

    r1monkey Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    i have just had a disciplinary at work for shouting at somebody that continually leaves the oil filters and stuff removed from trucks during a service on work benches (there are bins literally every 20 feet apart in our workshop) Apparently this is now classed as bullying
    When i started 30 years ago ,if i left any rubbish where i had been working ,i would expect a dressing down and a suitable punishment (we actually had some stocks made up to put apprentices in that wouldn't tow the line ) I understand that physical abuse is no longer tolerated but it has now got to the point where you cannot say anything to anybody.This is why kids these days have no respect for authority because if someone gives them a dressing down ,they just put a complaint of bullying in.
    I have also had another warning for another conversation i had with another colleague … he was off sick for 6 months a few years back ,and went for a check up the other week. When he came back i asked if everything was ok and i commented that "he didn't want that shit coming back " (meaning his illness.) Guess what ?? he put a complaint in against me for what i said. I give up!!

    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Put them all in a box and not in a bin.People will ask what they are for.Then turn the box round with the label saying Dirty Lazy Mechanics box.Each filter put the initials of each mechanic or reg no of truck on them in tippex.That should show your boss who is not being tidy.
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  7. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    I've never been a 'shouty' boss (despite being in the army). I've always dealt with misconduct or stuff not being done by escalation. (although there has been times when a good dressing down is called for but i save them for special occasions).

    1. Call them into the office / take them to a quiet area. Explain what they've done wrong and why it's not acceptable.
    2. Formal written warning with punishment (AGAI 67 process in the army). They get up to 3 formal written warnings before escalating.
    3. 3 or 6 month warning with daily/weekly interview. Basically they have this time to turn their lives around, if they don't then they can be discharged (fired).

    All this is recorded by myself and confirmed by higher management; this way they have absolutely no comeback.

    It's a tried and tested disciplinary method that keeps you squeaky clean as a manager and has turned the attitude and performance of many of my soldiers around; those few that it hasn't are now no longer in the army.

    As far as the phones are concerned - In my current role I have a really old nokia work phone with an LCD screen :D, I forward this onto my personal mobile and only pul it out to make return/international calls. My boss tried to get Blackberrys for all of us but we all said no (why do I want to be able to check my work emails when I'm not at work :rolleyes:).
  8. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    David, I feel your pain. Those around me who don't know me well consider me a sulker. Those around me who know me well know that I spend a lot of time biting my tongue, which inevitably gives the accepted opinion. The reason I bite my tongue is that I have a tendency to burn bridges with it if I don't...

    I can take a stand up barney with people and hold my own, but when people try to score points off me I have a tendency to get medieval in my responses.

    Monkey, I was with a college technician yesterday who had been reprimanded for telling a student that their submitted work was sub-standard. Everyone except the student agreed that it was, but you're not allowed to say so. How said student is expected to learn, nobody on the disciplinary board could answer. One suspects that they are confusing 'paying' for their degree with 'buying' their degree...
  9. r1monkey

    r1monkey Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    funnily enough the thing that started it off was because i put the old filters etc in a box and put them on top of his toolbox, he said i was picking on him (i have done this with other technicians in the past so he can't say i am just picking on him)
    This is the same guy who thought it was funny to turn the ignition on on my track bike and leave it on to destroy the battery (i have witnesses)
    I now know that i have to report his tardiness to my manager (something that had been reported verbally in the past but ignored which i pointed out) so hopefully the managers will try to install some discipline back into the workshop .
  10. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Many years ago when I was in the Fire Service, unofficial discussions between 'naughty boys' and Junior Officers used to be conducted in the boiler room. The 'meetings' seldom ended well. Oh the good old days.
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  11. Scott

    Scott Active Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I'm tidy. Buuut not saying u but some old twats used to talk to me like a skivvy. And wondered why I had no respect
    Prick I still hate him and he's retired
  12. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Is a major part of the reason why I never wanted to become a manager. As for not calling a tw*t a tw*t, well I can only do it for so long as more than a few suppliers, colleagues, and occasional boss and such like have discovered :D
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  13. r1monkey

    r1monkey Active Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    it takes quite a lot of somebody repeatedly doing the same thing before i go off on one.
    He is constantly late,he takes at least twice as long on a service as what you are allowed,he blobbed 3 saturdays in a row as he had eaten a bad curry the night before ,and some of his shift that are supposed to finish work at 6pm on sunday had to stay behind until 11pm to try get jobs out due to him not turning up for work.
    The reason he has got away with this is because the other shift supervisor has never had the balls to say anything to him.
    Well now he is on my shift he will now have to get to work on time , do jobs quicker and clean up after himself ,as now i have been told to report any of theses problems to my manager rather than having a go at him.
    I will not be singling him out ,i will now report anyone that is not pulling their weight . What goes around comes around.
  14. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    False alarm...
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