All you have to do is like us on our Facebook page and when we hit 1000 likes a winner will be chosen at random and they will win a personalised Quickshifter off their choosing Get liking people
Steady big man, don't cry. I too sighed a disappointed sigh when my natural anti-social nature made me realise that I was ill qualified to compete. I used to enjoy all the daft competitions on the T3 website, I never won anything, but I did like to join in. Now that too has been consigned to faceless book. See. I'm even using emoticons, I'm so depressed.
Done. Or rather should I say liked. I've even added a like to your post. Will this help with my brown nosing? Lol.
Oh bugger ...... I cant join in either as I dont do Myface or Spacebook . Just call me misery if ya like but could I just not say on here that "you are awfull but I like you"
I hate the bloomin facebook thing, but i was getting fed up on missing freebies and comps. this is why my facebook has the daft name Fac ebookphantom, no personal details but ta dah, i can enter competitions. just in case you really hate missing out....I did!
My concern is that the people in my life that I lost contact with, I did so for a reason. Imagine if they all started crawling out of the woodwork now and undid all that effort I put in. I've held off and held off but my missus finally wore me down and she bought an iPhone a fortnight ago. "Just so I can keep on top of my emails without having to fire up a computer." Then it was "Ooh, I can do Faceless book on it too." Now the bloody thing is "pinging" constantly, immediately followed by her shoving pictures of other people's ugly kids picking their noses for the camera in my face. I think, personally, that it's the Faceless book widowers who deserve a free quick shifter. Just my opinion, Ben. Just my opinion...
I fully concur with Ken. I actively avoided all this Face Reunited, Friends Book anti social media stuff. Until my youngest son persuaded me to join FB ‘to keep in touch’ I personally didn’t see what was wrong with picking up the phone, and if you can’t be arsed to do that just send a text. Anyway, I joined, and within a few days two things happened: My oldest son said no way am I ‘friending’ you and giving you access to what my mates and I am up to. And worst still an old ‘flame’ popped up. It took me years to shake that mental bunny boiler off the first time. That was me done. Account closed, and as much as I would like a QS wild horses couldn’t drag me back. Bit of topic but related to Social media: I was reticent about joining this forum. Initially thinking I would just dip in and out as needed to both gain answers to my blade related questions and offer help to others when I was able. However, it seems to me that the forum has slowly evolved into more of a social meeting place for Honda related motorcycle deviants. Ok there are a few ‘bunny boilers’ but by and large it’s a great community that has enabled me to made some great friends as well as be constantly amazed at the depth of knowledge some of you guys and girls have. Right I am off to take my meds now
Nothing wrong with boiling the odd bunny mate. Partial to a piece of hare pie, me. Gods. I turned into Blaggers there for a moment.
And facebook's quite good if you use it right. Quite a few of my mates live in other countries and.....*shudders*.......down Saaarf. Facebook is a good way of keeping in touch. Obviously I unfriend anyone who takes a picture of themselves whilst pouting but aside from that it's fine.
He never moves from that chair.....from year to year.... Has anybody else noticed that...The bastard child of Edge and Bono