Winter Running!

Discussion in 'Maintenance' started by IcarusGreen, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    I'm getting depressed with all this talk of winter clean ups and hibernation of bikes, I think it's time for all us all year round (plus the 'it's over 10 degs' so i'm going for a blast) riders to put together a winter maintenance, checks & cleaning thread along with winter riding hints and tips.

    I found this good article to start us off:-
    How to prepare your bike for winter - Motorbike Parts & Accessories Reviews | MCN

    Oh, I'm off for a blast now as the suns out :D
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  2. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Like the idea Icarus. I usually look out the window. Not raining or snowing are my normal winter riding criteria.
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  3. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    I'm liking this, it's been quite a topic on the forum ride outs, It's a well documented fact i do not do rain "northern run exempt" however so long as there's no ice or grit on the roads a few hours dressed in warm clothing for a tootle around our roads is certainly on the cards for me, i love my bike to look great, but as we have said many times over, all were doing is making the bike more saleable for the dealer, come trade in time he certainly is'nt going to give anything over the book price just because it looks pretty, so we may as well have the enjoyment of it, that little bit more.

    After all, "excluding the obvious" what else is going to make you smile on a winters day?
  4. GappySmeg

    GappySmeg Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2012
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    I rode to work today, for the first time in over a month... in fact the first time I've ridden with the new exhaust.

    I will happily ride the bike if:
    - it is not going to rain (less than 30% chance) whilst bike is out (yep, call me Johnny Fairweather!)
    - the ground is mostly dry
    - the gritters haven't been out

    Cold doesn't bother me at all, as I have plenty of "natural insulation"......
  5. Only1Matrixxx

    Only1Matrixxx Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    I ride to work everyday, unless it's snowing or ice on the roads...

    This weekend's job is a good cleaning and lower fairings off and ACF all over everything under there...

    If I ride on salted roads, I park up next to my house and when the bike cools off I will give it a good spray with the hose...
  6. Carl

    Carl Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    I ride for fun only and as long as the roads are dry, grit free and no Chance of rain, I ride!!

    Winter is a frame of mind, there are fewer opportunities but opportunities there are!
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  7. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    if it's dingin it down when your leaving and you dont need to get somewhere, whats the point! if their is chance of rain, i'll chance my luck and if i get wet so be it...

    snow / ice then wont bother, if it's salt down i will but try and hose the bike down once back.

    wouldnt call myself a hardened winter / all year rider as the bike isnt a requirement in terms of transport at the mo, but if i fancy it and its a bright clear day then i'll go out no bother.

    Went out Sat and had a right crack on damp roads, yeah was freezing and pissing it down in parts but got my fix! the bike looks dog rough and was wanged in the garage, but i'll sort that out later.... they are for riding first and foremost IMO....
  8. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    Yeah I feel the same way as Carl
  9. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    Its a hobby of mine. If I wanted to be uncomfortable doing my hobby I'd take up cycling, but I'm more sadist than masochist. So I'm happy to ride in minus temperatures but not in the wet. Looking at the tread pattern on my Diablo Corsa's in a straight line and upright I'm running on a slick. I already know how to be petrified, I don't need the practice.
  10. navvy10

    navvy10 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    I'm liking this thread!! I'm also concerned about salt and grit etc but I also believe bikes are for riding and I will get out on any given day if it's not raining or the roads are damp at the worst but wouldn't cry if I got caught in a little shower on the way home.

    I've decided I will invest in 2 paid for winter cleans to get my bike back to it's shiny finish so saying all that.... Why didn't I ride in to work today??
  11. vialli100

    vialli100 New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Mine looks like a dirt bike this morning, gonna go wash it when temp is + something. Then gonna go buy a new Rossi rep lid :)

    I ride all year except snow and ice, got my winter gear out this morning didn't feel any coldness throught it!
  12. JM1

    JM1 Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    If you just leave the dirt on, the road salt can't get at the metal ;)
  13. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Rode this year through winter and last year as i bought it in January, ice, snow, the lot. Got caught out a couple of times with black ice, and nearly had a few offs. If there's sign of ice, it's a no go for me this year.
  14. stone-islandv8

    stone-islandv8 New Member

    Oct 8, 2012
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    With traffic in Bristol like it is I have to ride in as I wouldn't get there on time in the car. I will take the train in ice or snow ...I have a company bike to use though so that takes the brunt of the poor weather and salt.
  15. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    I've ridden to a trackday with snow on the ground (and still did most of the day), ridden in Alps in June in a blizzard (not nice), my Blade has been through so much horrendous weather / road grim it looks grim - but deep winter clean and all is then 'fairly' good.

    Did a New Years day lunchtime social to the Cat and Fiddle and had my friend Faye wipe snow off the seat as I was leaving (then laugh) before she got in her Mini Cooper with heated seats and drove off!

    Its risk of black ice that I stop for - and snow but a quick blast out on a sunny January day is good for the soul!
  16. ddc

    ddc Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Well after looking out the window this morning Its nice and sunny and dry :D Bit cold though but think i`m going to take the girl out for a wee blast as can`t wait any longer lol . Plus I want to check that everything i have replaced is working as it should ;)
  17. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Local Government down here was fly enough to set up the Devon Driver's Centre a while back and part of it is the Max Rider Scheme, who send me occasional newsletters, some of which are quite interesting.

    Here is this morning's.

    Devon Drivers Centre - Email Marketing Campaign
  18. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I agree with Carl to some extent, however, I ve got older bones. So if it’s cold and or wet, I just turn the CC up in the car instead. Only exception to the cold would be if leaving an early morning and it’s a bit on the chilly side but you know it will warm when the sun comes up. I only ride for fun and getting cold and wet is not my idea of fun.

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