New Profile Posts

  1. AdamS
    First blade 2008 black
  2. SolidSnake
    SolidSnake JimGreen
    Hi Jim, I came across this forum after searching for a racefit exhaust map. I have a 2015 blade with a racefit exhaust I have a power commander pcfc. Can you please kindly send me the map you have for the 2015 blade. I can see that you havent been online since 2016 so I am hoping you see this.
  3. Steblade56
    62, on 2nd blade 08 model in harcpro colours based in Warrington
  4. Stephen Donnelly
    Stephen Donnelly Alan-lee
    Is there many local lads on here alan? Yeah i must take some new pics off the bike. Wats ur bike?
    1. Alan-lee likes this.
    2. Alan-lee
      Yeah mate seems to be a good load of lads on here from north and south!

      I bought a new fireblade after having a 600rr for 5 years! Best decision ever lol love it
      Jun 3, 2018
  5. james Coldy
    james Coldy
    Fixing it.....
  6. Stuart Coutts
    Stuart Coutts
    Love is when I like you as much as I like my bike.
    1. Lozzy likes this.
  7. Patrick Palmer
  8. Llantwit
    Happy days
  9. Ice Doc
    Ice Doc
    Waiting for spring
  10. Leroy preston
    Leroy preston
    Can anyone tell me what engine parts I need to get 180-190 but on 08 blade?
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Leroy preston
      Leroy preston
      Yh I ment realistically.
      Mar 1, 2018
    3. Tezza H
      Tezza H
      At the crank or at the wheel ?
      Apr 11, 2018
    4. Tezza H
      Tezza H
      if your just chasing the BHP's just sell it and buy ZX10
      Apr 11, 2018