Wiring looks fine! (tidy job) Only problem I can think of is when placing adaptors in make sure Live goes to Live and Earth to Earth on the existing loom end (not a problem bulb end!) I also found the plugs not the greatest so make sure connection is made. If before you had this the wrong way could of blown fuse. The headlight and starter switch run on the same fuse... Lets us know if you have any luck!
Thanks...... will have another go tomorrow. I also had the same problem with the connections not being that great and had cable tied everything on just in case. Thanks again for all your help
Mod finally finished for now, but foresee potential problems in future... all the issues I've had with programming the module and things not working as they should have had nothing to do with the module or even my poor soldering skills! Looks like all the issues are with the very poorly fitting adaptors used.... now every connection is cable tied and all is working...... cable tying some of the connections was not easy so will have to see how it goes once it's been over a few rough roads. Will have to see if I can get better adaptors and dismantle and rewire the whole thing at some point!!!!
Wrong way round for some reason!! Nevermind,you get the gist!! Done it the womblewizard way!!! Thanks mate!!!
Hi Guys, finally I registered myself in this great forum. From now on my modules have an "Multilanguage" Sticker (German / English) If there are any questions or problems, just feel free to contact me.
Hi Jens, My module for some reason has lost its memory, and i cant get it back into programming mode? The LED illuminates but it wont switch to programming mode. Any advice? Its been a great little module otherwise! Welcome to the forum too! Pete
Hi Jens, Its as if its reverted to without the module, so the high beam works as it should normally flasher lights the high beam, the switch turns it on fully, otherwise its off.
Ahhhh understand, than the Module is deactivated! This could happen for example if you drive with the highbeam switch ON and forget to turn it off. Than, maybe during a ride or after the next "ignition on" you see the highbeam is ON and put it to OFF state. But this short time is enough to deactivate the module! You need to reactivate it as follow: 1.Make sure ignition is off 2.Make sure the permanent high beam switch is OFF <-very importend 3.Press and hold the high-beam flash button 4.Turn the ignition ON (in case of low beam will only work when engine is startet you also need to start the engine) 5.Release the switch
Hi Pete, sorry for the late reply, great to hear that. You need to remove the "Mods to Do" from you signature BR Jens
Hi Mates, I still have a few modules for sale. By ordering this week it may be under the christmas tree in time
Hi, Does this work on the 2004 Fireblade? And could you post the price please as I cannot access your site from work Thanks
Hi Scandi999, Would appreciate a copy of that mate if you still have it? my email is lgiles4@csc.com Thanks.
Hi, yes it will work on almost all Models. The module price is 47€. The complete price with shipping to UK and paypal fee is 56,50€ BR Jens