As said before, clean the mating surface, light film of oil on the seal then spin on by hand until it touches...after that tighten 180 degrees...
I just oil the the seal and do by hand.......trouble is I have to muller it with strap and cam tool to get it off as a stonemasons hands are a rather blunt instrument. As a result of this I've moved to K&N filters so that I can use the torque wrench. Like wise I've bought a set of the three torque wrenches small medium and large as I'm sick of overtightening things by hand.
I fucking don't having used the tool to do it up I can't undo it...and no I won't bang a screw driver through it
Only ever tightened filters by Hand ,not had one filter come loose, I've had a sump plug come out as an apprentice hgv tech but that's another story, One I could never forget! But, I would torque it if it had a nut on the end cause there's nothing like piece of mind and knowing its correct as I learnt the hard way
You need a wrench for this job because of the fairing don't have to remove the fairing with the wrench. And with it on you defo wont get the filter tight don't try IMHO