Separate names with a comma.
Just received - I'm impressed with the careful packaging :). Just out of interest what's the next bike? Kind regards
Good to hear Derby and Bob Mininions being mentioned on the forum :). Footnote... I believe lozzy is around the Derbyshire area.
Final point? What you might consider is... a cheeky offer. After all you want a bike and he wants to sell it. Forget about resale and everything...
Any paperwork available? Basically what needed repairing and or replacing and what was done to sort it out. Who did the work - a recognised...
Needed a manual for some time.... Please send bank details :)
Had to knock purchase of a shed on the head... Cover next best thing; already have aquatex... thought I might get something more substantial if...
May I suggest you take a photo of the hole, report it to the council and if you wish claim the money for a replacement wheel... Several years ago...
That’s very kind .(I think I’ve already pulled ia pdf across from the forum already)... just thought I might have put the manual pride of place on...
Just in case it falls through pls let me know - cheers
'm looking for a mint LHS mid fairing Cheers Chris
Just noticed this... I'm looking for LHS mid fairing do you still have it? Cheers Chris
Hope he’s as good as Jon pertwee. One of the best D r Who’s! !
Yesterday... MOT & Service courtesy of Honda Grafton MK. Must add very impressed with service Then fitted rear hugger and e-comfort seat (courtesy...
Captain Scarlet... How? (Older members...)
... couldn’t find the correct emoji - so... commiserations. I have four kids so I know this kind of gutted feeling!
Can’t fault AA. Had to change departure date at last minute; then dropped the phone on the ferry on the way home. Other than that had a great...
Where to start... The tomorrow people, Jo 90, UFO., Space 1999, Blake 7, Red Dwarf the list is endless...
Out today for the 1st time. Decided I needed to reduce waistline (leathers have clearly shrunk over the winter). Tonight my better half served up...
Finished work... got home and popped out on the bike for the first time this year. Seems like forever since I was last on it... Big smiles rest of...