Separate names with a comma.
Thanks for the heads up mate, just finished watching the Cookstown races. Brilliant start to road racing for 2013.
If it works once it may save your life but if it fails once it may cost your life. If you haven't got it you'll never use it.
It's okay just found MOTORS TV they have moved it to 447. Thankful for small mercies.
Sky channel 413, wasn't that MOTORS TV? Bugger that's all the AMA racing out the window along with the endurance, indy, oval, rallycross etc.
After 11 years of marriage and 2 kids I got divorced, gave the house and mortgage to the other half, got joint custody of the kids and I moved on....
How about the roundabout straight liners who go from left hand lane approach to left hand lane exit without thinking someone else may be on their...
Had my '08 from new my exhaust is still in reasonable nick, helped by a coat of BBQ paint. It gets put away every winter. A bloke who got an '08...
Less than the penalty for trying to hide your registration plate.
July 1969, on my 16th. birthday. My parents brought me a Lambretta SX150 (I paid the deposit). The next spring I passed my test and the Sx lasted...
If you keep your iridium visor long enough and clean it carefully you'll find that the coating wears off leaving you with a good tint, well that's...
My RR4 suffered the same problem, apparently it's the ''Euro spec.'' paint (meaning water based). I got a new tank cover from Honda to replace it...
Just spent a second evening trying to repair/replace the flush syphon on our close coupled toilet (a hateful job), as I returned the tools to the...
Surely if the motoring public can't see a multi coloured bike traveling at 100 mph how are they going to see a silver busa traveling at 100 mph?
I just stand in the magazine aisle in Asda and read everything for free whilst the wife does the shopping.
Probably the second one mate, plus the heating's fixed and I've repaired the leak. Now for an evening of quality T.V.
How many thousands of miles usage is that then? For us fair weather fairies it could be 4 to 6 years!
Thursday - Mum's funeral/cremation. Friday - My wedding (remarried my ex). Saturday - Wife's birthday, central heating broke down and bathroom...
Right - The wait is over - GAME OF THRONES series 3, Monday 1st. April, 9.00 p.m. on 108 Sky Atlantic HD. Also on Sky 1 new program Revolution at...
Football is not a sport, it's a game. Played.
Try ''The Incredible Mr. Goodwin'' on Watch Thursday night at 9.00 p.m.