Separate names with a comma.
Unfortunately Motors TV no longer seems to broadcast NZ road racing.
Twizzle, with his brake down truck and Footso the cat, and Torchie the battery boy started the change from the BBC's Watch With Mother stuff by...
I'm more antique than vintage Ken, we had the only tv on our small prefab estate, a 405 line single channel jobbie and all the neighbours used to...
Just read the news, the man was a hero. Remember his early work with affection, loved Four Feather Falls and Supercar. R.I.P.
It's not if you die it's how you die!
A pay out for copod 10% disability from a previous employment screwed up critical illness cover on my mortgage life insurance and non disclosure...
Surely if he got a caution that means he's guilty, she should get an insurance claim in for damage to the bike and clothing (plus whiplash). Get a...
This might seem a bit morbid but I've notice a few of you lads have had some serious offs, what do you do to protect your financial position...
I've owned fireblades for 19 1/2 years and never had any serious problems, just a couple of dead batteries. A mate has had rear wheel bearings go,...
All the time you've got a police force who are convinced your 12mm undersized number plate is a more important crime and the judges are rich twats...
Love the old outfit, I still remember wandering around the pits at the TT in '76 seeing all the krauser and bmw teams with all their engineering....
Congrats mate my 2nd was born yesterday but I am an old bugger.
Thanks Ken my bit was easy.
And I bet you all keep all your tools in the same garage as your bikes, just what the toe rags need - angle grinders, hacksaws, hammers, chisels...
Well he's finally arrived - at 15:47 today weighing 7lb 1oz my first grandson, Brendan George, a brother to my grandaughter. Mother and baby both...
Get her an I ron, it's cheaper than an I pod or I phone.
+1 on that, just watched the highlights over the weekend on Motors TV, some good racing, well done Mr Rutter.
We got bugger all again this year just like the last 8 but we did get a £50 voucher and a big book of photos to celebrate ''our'' success with...
The misses did one for our 4 year old grand daughter, it's great for kids.
I've run plugged tyres at over 140 no problem, just take the advice of your local tyre service. They usually know what they're doing.