Think Muff !!.... Ha Ha I always do mate! I'd probably be the same mate, it's only because I'm up here and at most a 3hr ride from home on the trip, I'm just wearing a back pack plus it's just a 2 night deal for me! But saying that! That's a hoor 'O' a big tail pack (rather large) we'll see you over the tree tops
Think I can say I'm just about sorted. The Renntec sports bike rack turned up at 12.30, popped out to the shops and fitted it on my return. No problems with the fitting. The luggage is so much sturdier IMO than using the subframe and the straps protruding from under the seat. I just can't budge it. A little shot of I'm sure will be the first of many of the blade being kitted up for her first tour. I put the tank bag on just for the pic, still one or two more bits to pack into it. The Krieger is staying put, perhaps the waterproofs may have to come off the back at some point tomorrow? So here she is all kitted out for the tour of Scotland 2013. Sorry I couldn't be arsed to move it out the garage for the photo, means moving MrsB's car out the way of the door, and that will happen soon enough. Catch you soon guys.
At this rate ill be at work till 8pm and haven't even started to think about packing.... Got to fit the rear wheel once I collect it from my dad tonight. Going to be tired in the morning lol....
Tired? There's no way I'd be tired knowing I'm on my way for a tour like this Jimbo. I'd be like a Tasmanian devil bouncing off the walls with excitement. Well maybe that's just me
Hey guy's just thot I'd post these pics i took from the Cove at Queensferry last night Just to get you all in the mood
I couldn't downsize my luggage, so I loaded it onto the bike anyway and took it for a 70 mile blast through Willy Woods & an empty Cadwell Park. All held together ok, although I'd forgotten how many bloody flies you splat when the sun's out. Changed my nearly bald rear tyre to a Dunlop Sportmax & cleaned the rear sprocket & lubed the chain reardy for setting off tomorrow.
well all packed and strapped on the bike just hope i dont have to wear me water proofs time for some beers then sleep
I have mine on its way tomorrow mate and I'll be fitting it as soon as it arrives. I have the day off tomorrow and will be setting about the bike to get it ready for tour duties.
Hope you all enjoy your trip guys , I am setting off on the same ish route on the 20th with the girlfriend , look forward to seeing the pics
Have a good trip up guys I hope the weather's not to unkind to you all and I'll see you at Queensferry Fri mornin
Lol, not long home from work. Bikes minging, got a leak that's damaged my ceiling, homecare ain't very caring. Have some dinner and then start to pack, gonna be a late one me thinks.
5.30 leave from meet so some pretty early leaving times all round, prob 5am average times! Not even on train out of London yet, don't know where half my gear is, need to fit the rear wheel (think my dad has dropped it off) and need to pack!! I love my job....