Congrats rob, bit different to 6 months back wen there was about 3 ppl posting, well done all involved
For such a young forum that's well impressive. One for I have been on for 4years, met loads of people on has 960 members but just double the amount of posts of this forum. Just double in 4 years
I used to be able to keep the unread posts between half and 1 full page .. I have a job to stop it going to 3 pages now .. I have to come on roar at least an hour every day to keep it at 2
yea the forum is only as good as it's members Not Mods or Admins I wish a few forums understood that.
Just being nosy Rob Whats are the stats like for Jan/feb like. IE: how's the forum growing. Posts visits etc...
The Stats are impressive! but bollox (thanx wedgie for new fave swear word) to all that crap Its just a real great forum, with the right mix of useful info and mindless twaddle. Thats my opinion form a newbie!