A run out to Wales

Discussion in 'Events, Meetings & Ride Outs' started by lee711, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. Barney1

    Barney1 Guest

    #201 Barney1, Jul 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2012
  2. Barney1

    Barney1 Guest

    • Like Like x 1
  3. Barney1

    Barney1 Guest

    well thats enough i`m knack and time for bed night.......................
  4. AshBlade

    AshBlade Riding Goddess

    Mar 14, 2012
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    Barney i see you have one of them magic camera`s,,you seem to have made the guys look handsome and the bikes look beautiful.:D
  5. fez.57

    fez.57 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    please as i only know a few of you
  6. robinh73

    robinh73 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    I shall set the ball rolling then Fez, I am on the red/silver/blue RR5.
  7. Barney1

    Barney1 Guest

    Hi photoshop a great tool ha ha
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Barney1

    Barney1 Guest

    Hi fez.57 I only really know giv , the rest I met on the day and I'm rubbish with names sorry mate
  9. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Has Giv' just delivered a 'Butler's Revenge' in this one?
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  10. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    BLAGGERS Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Pmsl :d
  12. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Good morning.*
    Right here's my slant on yesterday.*
    But firstly thanks to everyone who attended and making it a safe one? Barney for taking what can only be described as some fantastic action shots of us out and about and everyone else who have also added photos of what for me was another memorable day with the guys of 1000rr.co.uk.

    All started well, We set off as planned to meet Firebloke at J29, it went a bit tits up with the oil filler cap for Windy at Lymm, in hind sight this could have been disaster on so many levels.*
    At this point I offer my gratitude on behalf of Windy to the guys at Bill Smith motorcycles Chester for getting him back on the run with minimum fuss.*
    The oil event I'm afraid did devide the ride out, I appreciate others on the run had other commitments and hanging around a motorbike shop wasn't part of the plan.*

    Anyway that aside,
    Firebloke, Bats, Windy and Gazza was on our way by 10.10am a quick fuel stop and away to meet the guys at the first check point. windy text the guys to let them know we were on the way. *
    I was leading, as I'd done a little home work on the out trip and felt I could get our group small as it was with the main group.*
    I enjoyed the road up to Rugg Cafe I was however quite apprehensive as we'd got a message to take it easy as there was quite a large police presence on the route which consisted of a lot of 30's and 40's
    Pulled into Rugg Cafe and the main group was just about getting ready for the off, so we forfeited our brew and went straight out.*
    All is going well the guys from what I could see we're riding well.*
    I did lose sight of the group eventually as being at the rear your overtaking opportunity decreases with each bike that goes, some overtaking manoeuvres I witnessed left a little to the imagination, but I'm not going to start bitching. It's each to their own at the end of the day. TBH I'd say these were done solely to try and keep up with the group leaders?
    Well being confident enough out there and no information as to another stop I kept heading to Aberwysweth, I had a cracking ride I tagged onto a few bikes along the way, some I got bored with following and passed them and some just Fcuked off into the distance.*
    Arrived at Aberwysweth and there was my first dilemma. Where are we meeting? And where the Fcuk is everyone?
    I used my nut and headed for the promenade where I found a motorcycle park next to a cafe.*
    *Checked my phone and Bats had sent me a text saying they'd stopped for fuel waited 20-30 minutes for me but decided to head off, I must have gone*
    past them as I did the same route, anyway 30 minutes of me looking around I saw the guys heading in.*




    After some light seaside refreshment it was time to head off again.*
    Now because yours truly missed the last fuel stop that was my first job. *

    Fuel done we head along the A44.*
    Allan? With the Rothmans took some video of us leaving.*
    It didn't take long for me to loose the pack again, around 15minutes later Allan caught me up and passed me.*
    Again I knew the general route *and decided to keep to it.*
    Fair play to Allan he kept me in viewing distance of me all the way. We did miss the next turning but a cracking road was had. *
    I think if he was totally honest Allan was getting a little tired of my "steady riding" so he proceeded to point to his back tyre, which to me means one of two things?
    Look at my back tyre isn't it nice?
    Or get on this fcuker and keep up you Tw@t.*
    I went with the second option, it takes a lot to trust someone you've just met but he soon had me riding like a true hooligan*
    A good ride, one for the memory Allan thank you, I reckon I could of had you in a couple of them bends though PMSL*
    So we met up with the rest of the guys, sadly we lost Windy good style this time.*
    When he follows someone, he does it to the letter, sadly the guy he followed was going home, so poor Windy ended up in Shropshire. I'd have loved to have seen the look on Clive's? Face, I wonder if Windy went to his house?
    Anyway we're all fuelled again now it's time to head home, still some cracking roads to be had along the way.*
    We stopped off so Barney could get some more shots of us before we split up and head our separate ways.*
    We pulled up for a quick top up before heading to the motorway, poor Giv was having issues with his bike, but he managed to get sorted.*
    So Bats, Firebloke and I had a quick chill before we set off to find Windy who would be waiting on the slip road of J20 Lymm.*
    No, not our Windy. When I managed to contact him, he was at.........wait for it....
    Fcuking Charnock Richard PMSL.*
    So arrived home around 7pm bike away and awaited all the check ins.*
    I can't rest until I know everyone is home safe, may sound a cock, but it's just the way I am.*
    To sum it up a mint day had by all.*
    I've read previous posts already and group rides should have a drop off system? They could work, but nothing beats route knowledge.*
    Depends how people see it really.
    I always sit at the back, I should get up with the pack but, if I know the route I'm happy enough tagging along.*
    The route plan was great, I managed to get around with only the one wrong turning with Allan.*
    I'm quite anal on things like this, times are to a degree important, but meeting points were vague and perhaps a lot of assumptions were made?*
    Lessons to learn, but seriously nothing worth falling out over.*
    I'm always happy to do the shit stuff, and if we did have "a plan" firstly I'd have known about that fuel stop I missed.*
    I've never ever professed to be a quick rider, so am always happy plodding along on my own steam should I lose everyone.*
    I think I pushed one or two of my own boundaries yesterday but not my luck, so pleased I made the effort.
    Cheers Guys. :)
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  13. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Windy related to Blaggers in any way at all?

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