Excellent! That's good enough for what I want. I know if I get anything too large I won't take it with me. Thanks for posting those, mate.
Have you ordered one- I'll remove those links now you have had a chance to look at them - its a cracking deal
I didn't get one. I dunno why but I just don't want a red or white camera. Stupid really but I'll just keep my eye on the site and see if anything else becomes available.
How you getting on with it - so many features - EXR Auto is good initial mode, then start to play - as said, almost too complex. Sunset mode has produced some stunning images on mine, few things that annoy on it, like you have to set the timer manually each and every time avoid the longest zoom unless its on a tripod, you are bracing / resting camera on something. I really need to read the whole manual for mine again - forgot that it has HDR bracketing mode for example.
When you're in the 'biz' you may even come across kit tailored a bit more 'specifically' to your needs. For instance, you might get programme modes written with only the better things in life, in mind...
Sadly I've not had a chance to have a play with it yet. Our lass was round last night so I didn't want to spend the evening ignoring her and tonight I'm trying to sort out a remortgage
By the way I'm a complete noob when it comes to photography. I've been a total point and shoot man for as long as I can remember. I'm presuming that there are a lot of settings to pee about with on this. If you felt like doing so.
Yes Rich and sometimes the thing you're trying to photograph is still there once you've finished peeing about trying to find the particular setting you're after. Such as (and I shit you not), the programmable dog and cat face recognition setting on my new Fuji.............?