yea like i said though,that was running a HM,and dont think it has bazzaz as it's full HRC ECU. cracking bike if it is though.
Certainly is for what he said he wants for it! I'd be snapping his hand off if I were in the market for one! I'm sure Mick from No Limits said to Chris to give him first refusal if he sells!
to be fair he's not sure how much he wants for it,been offered 8.5k but if thats what he'll take i'm not so's worth that,but not much more. and no,mick doesn't have first refusal,trust me
oh and daz,as for the bazzaz,if it doesn't already have one,get the LED ligh that tells you when the tc is working,and i assume it has the bar map switch/dial.if not,these are quite handy,more so than the tc light in fact,allows you fine tune the TC for whilst your at the track so your not relying on one setting
I think it has what your on about has a Couple of dials on. Not sure what it sll does but I goikg round next week for a brew and tutorial lol .. Defo the right bike for me which I've always wanted.. I'll add some stuff over winter and probbably get Alan to paint it in the tt legends colours. I loved the livery of jases blade
Yea I bought one of Hamilton n got stiffed. Don't ever buy anything off him. ! Wow that blade with the nova box sounds lovely can I buy it