Beware the pheasants

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Garyb, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I dread the start of the game shooting. We have five and half acres of land, about three of which is left natural. It’s full of all sorts of wild life, rabbits, hares, even the odd deer, although I haven’t seen that fella for a while, and off course pheasants. We have "Private Land - No Shooters" signs up but the so called gentlemen don’t give a shit, they have paid small fortunes to bag themselves a bird. This problem is compounded because the local farmer who owns the next field leaves an area of that field over grown to encourage the birds to nest and then puts on shooting parties. He turns up with his tractors pulling huge trailers loaded full of excited blood thirsty plumby mouthed bsatards plus the beaters and dogs. Ling goes ballistic. One Sunday morning they turned up, the beaters do their job and the birds take flight, next thing the assholes are climbing over our fence and stomping towards the overgrown section. one fcuker even tried to get into the back garden part. Ling is out there screaming and shouting, I end up in a huge argument with this very posh fella who is trying to tell me he can and will do what he wants and don’t you attempt to stop me, he then tells ME to stop being abrasive with him. Not on my land fella! Meanwhile every other shooter is now on our land carrying on like nothing is happening looking for the downed birds. Makes my blood boil. Ok we can do nothing about what goes on in the next field but they seem to think they have this god even right to just do what they want.
    This year we have a cunning plan. We are getting some of those compressed air horns and the minute they rock up we are going to blast the horn so the birds bugger off before they even get there guns out.
  2. Barney1

    Barney1 Guest

    Freedom of choice , forget the air horns , get a couple of crow bangers , let them off , see the birds fly
    but don't let them off too near your windows lol .
  3. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Nice idea Barney but don’t really want to have to spend a couple of hundred quid, might just stick the air horns. Appreciate the impute though mate.
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  4. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    freedom, crow scarers have so many uses. even if its not game season.

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