Just spoke to Mike at MSV (pal of mine) Spaces are starting to fill, especially in inters with only eight places left. Garage now up'd to a double
Good shout, Whats the crack with the garage, how do we chip in, I got a non forum mate, andy coming to this too ?
Garage is sorted mate, no need to chip in- Although would request spaces are filled with the Southern massif/Forum members first
Yeah, ive already had to cancel Almeria cos she wants to go on holiday, women you can't live with them and you can't kill em. We will be in Peru though so not bad.
Hey how come I'm still TBC on the lists.......... I was the one that phoned up booked and paid for the day for our bike in the inters!!!!
Nope and can't wait for it either. Got a new set of boots to go on the bike too which always gives confidence.