BT Sport

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by t0m541, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Well I've gone with Virgin, got a deal for phone and 50mbs unlimited b/band for £21.99 pm for 12 months.
    Got a snotty email from BT in which the reckon I need to cough up a further £135 for leaving them.
    £105 for leaving my phone contract before minimum term ??? and £30 for switching off my b/band.
    I rang them regarding these costs, and they reckon that as I have moved house, then I automatically began a new 12 month phone contract.
    I pointed out that at no time during the change of details online that I did, did it say that I would have to start a new contract and it never said anything in the confirmation email they sent.
    They also asked why I was leaving, to which I explained that their b/band speed was woefully slow, the only reason I had stayed with BT was for free BT sport to watch MotoGP, which I would now be paying for.
    They gave me the usual speak about price matching till I told them what I would be paying, even with a MotoGP subscription from Dorna it works out cheaper than BT's best offer, and I get decent b/band speeds.
    They are looking into the £105 charge, as I pointed out their lack of clarity on the new contract details.
    It seems that they think they can just walk all over people....
  2. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Nothing surprise me with BT. Since this morning they have been blocking my internet access because I don't use their DNS servers. Luckily I am in a position to cancel for free.

  3. MPJ

    MPJ Active Member

    Apr 30, 2015
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    Double groan. Landline fixed wed (main box had blown) but very slow BB since. Interesting, engineer said no Infinity if you are 2km from the exchange...
    After 45 mins chat with call centre they are sending someone out to the exchange. Currently getting 0.09 download. Beat that ! :rolleyes:
  4. MPJ

    MPJ Active Member

    Apr 30, 2015
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    Went to cancel BT sport yesterday, generally hacked off at the service and lack of broadband. Even after the sales guy discounted it down to 65p a month I said no...contract up in October and I want the most leverage for then.
  5. Tonic

    Tonic Active Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    I've just called BT to complain, explained that I took out a 12month contract with them in June, the driver for initiating that contract was free BT sport and I expected them to honour their side of the contract. Result, I have free BT sports for a year free!!
  6. Nytol

    Nytol Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    I would like to have the option of watching the occasional UFC live, but refuse to give BT a penny on principle, they are an awful company, with atrocious service, both customer, and product.

    When I was with BT a few years back there were times when I was getting 0.07mbs, (yes, that is not a typo).

    It was so poor at times I could not even run a speed test.

    When I said I was leaving, they told me that someone would call me to speak to me about it, but no one ever did.

    I'm not a fan of Sky as a company either, but at least I can use the internet with some degree of ease now, even though my actual speed is way off the speed I'm able to get according to an engineer that inspected my line.
  7. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I'll never go back to BT now....not after the treatment they have given me....been a customer of theirs for around 20 years, then they have the gall to demand £135 when I leave, because their service and pricing is shite, £105 for ending contract early...didn't have a contract...that run out 2 years ago.
    They try to sneak it in when I changed address...sorry BT but at no time in the change of address process does it say "This is a new 12 month contract"...
    As for Sky..can't stand that company...on par with BT they are both of the opinion that they can bully the public into doing what they want them to do.
    Had Sky many many years ago when it was still analogue, had a years contract etc.. 11 1/2 months in I got a phone call asking if I'd like to take out insurance against equipment failure..I said no thanks.
    12 months and 1 day the box packs to Sky..£65 call out charge to verify that the box is goosed plus £120 to replace it.....told them to shove it and cancelled.
    Took out a new contract under the ex wifes name....12 months later exactly the same happened.....
    Never ever gone near the sneaky shysters since...
  8. Tonic

    Tonic Active Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Well today I am fecking fuming!! Got my bill from BT and you guessed it, they've charged me for BT sports!,,
    So, I've made numberous calls to the lying feckers and cancelled BT sports and come next year, I will be cancelling my BT contract!!
    I don't think they have the contract for moto gp 2016 anyway, so they can feck off!!
  9. RRoss

    RRoss Active Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    I've not been billed for it yet but I did get the email saying what I pay for BT sports going up to £5. If that's £5 in total I'll let it slide but if they're gonna add the £3 I currently pay for HD then I'll be having words:mad:
  10. Tonic

    Tonic Active Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    It's £60/year!!! And on a 1meg line, simply not worth it.
    And.... They haven't got next seasons MotoGP.
  11. RRoss

    RRoss Active Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Who does then? BT Sports deal was for 5 years so that's up to the end of 2018,what's changed?
  12. Tonic

    Tonic Active Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Bugger!!! I read it on a forum......just checked it out and it appears your right! Never mind, still won't be renewing with BT
  13. RRoss

    RRoss Active Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    2 mins after the last race I'm cancelling the sports until next season.
  14. Kentblade

    Kentblade God Like

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Seriously fecked off with their shite customer service.

    Got a 'reminder' on Saturday that BT Sport would cost £5 from that day, bit of a surprise as I had not received any non reminder before.

    Phoned up and spoke to a tool on the sub continent, that was more interested in the sound of his own voice rather than my complaint, demanded to speak to someone in the UK, finally got transferred and spoke to a guy who agreed with my annoyance at the way BT had handled this and agreed to give me half price sport at £2.50 for the remaining 10 months of the contract.

    Later that day an e mail arrives showing my 'order' half price for 3 months, so back on the phone, go through the sub continent experience again, who informs me that the order is closed so tough, after harsh words, end up back in the UK, who decides its now a complaint for mis-selling, so I have to wait 10 days for them to listen to the tape of my conversation before they can adjudicate.

    What a complete bunch of Wayne Kerrs.
  15. Tonic

    Tonic Active Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    They offered me 6mths at £2.50 and six months at £5. Told them to cancel it!! I'm going to abstain from watching motogp. Feck it
    What really rev'd me up was, not being able to get through to them on the phone, then got through to some twank when just kept repeating the same sentence! Then tried phoning multiple times and couldn't get through to anyone. Then, on Saturday, finally got through to a guy who told me it was goin to be free! I'll calm down soon....honest!
  16. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Cancelled SKY tv start with Virgin on 11th of August £28 a month with BT Sports thrown in. Gonna let the Talk Talk broadband contract expire then go with them for everything.
  17. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    I'm moving house this weekend and was going to get BT-broadband with Sky TV purely to get BT-sports for free but then I found out it's now £5 a month extra for the BT-sport.

    They can fookin ram it. I'll carry on steaming it in low def for free :mad:
  18. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I've had a bit of a problem with emails that I could have sorted if I could have been arsed, but didn't get around to as it was with our 'joint' BT address that I only created because you have to in order to set up your BT broadband. It only ever got used for messages from BT and my Amazon account and any online purchases I make that I have to give an email address to but I know I'm going to get spammed from. Hence me not being motivated much to fix it.

    Anyway, last night, I did fix it, and while speed deleting all the reminders from the penis enlargement company that they hadn't heard from me in a while, were the notifications that my 'free' BT Sports was now going to cost me £5.00 a month because they were adding a new channel so I can watch fecking European football (oops. A bit of sick just came up then...). On top of which, because the contract for the 'free' channels I'd made with them had expired (while I hadn't been monitoring emails, so mea culpa), they have been charging me £6.75 a month already since the expiry date...

    Now. Once the steam had subsided from my ears I started to think about it. I could angrily tell them to stick it up their arse, but I'd miss the MotoGP and the rugby... Or, I could tell Sky to stick their sports package up their arse and stick with BT until they insist that the price goes up again so I can watch Horse of the Year or some other shite. Have to do the arithmetic over the weekend.

    There is another option though...

    Every time I go away I think 'bollocks! no telly...', but within a couple of days, I'm reading more and going to bed earlier...

    I wonder just how long it would take me to get over it if I told them both to stick it up their arses...
  19. MPJ

    MPJ Active Member

    Apr 30, 2015
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    I didn't cancel bt sport entirely as there is an re-activation charge if you want to go back later. So I downgraded to bt sport lite which is free and no contract but mainly just fooseball. Just checked planner and the Moto gp entire show is on bt sport 1 on Mondays, which is part of the sport lite channel.
  20. t0m541

    t0m541 Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I got that kodi app and tvmc on the laptop, watched the free practices yesterday on a streamed feed without issue....

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