these bum bags or what ever you want to call them crack me up like the new age push bikers if you had told some one years ago to wear lycra and have a handbag they would of laid you out
I use bum bags. The only thing is to make sure the buckle is good and secure. No need to buy wexpensive branded rip offs. I would not put phone or glasses in a leg pocket or storage as I feel the are more exposed to knocks specially off the bike.
i have a tail pack that straps over the rear cowl. I did this because i like carrying all sorts of stuff, so a leg bag wouldnt be big enough, and I didnt want a rucksack ruining my streamlined body shape once im somewhere, i take it off and carry it, helmet goes in the bag over my shoulder. also, i remember bum bags being the object of ridicule in the early '90s so that put an end to that
My bike came with a neat "Riding Tribe" tailbag, with quick-attach straps on the pillion seat, I keep the locks in it but would be a perfect alternative to a tankbag. It doesn't look very out of place on the bike.