Cheers for all the feedback lads, always good to have a second, third and forth opinion. The bike is 6 month old with 300 miles on the clock. Guy in shop reckons its only him and a colleague who have ridden it and they have adhered to the run in procedure as not worth their jobs. He could be telling the truth but then again he isn't going to admit to bouncing it off the limiter when cold. I guess buying a second hand bike you just have to trust who ever is the previous owner. For example if you bought a 2year old bike with 2 previous owners you only speak with the second owner who is to say the first owner wasn't the shop and it was a demo. With 18 months factory warranty I should be OK. Can't see it for a week so it might sell before we finlaise anything. I rang about 2 bikes last week and they had sold with in days of being listed so things seem to be shifting.
Hmmm. I'm would be slightly put off purchasing an ex demo machine. I'm sure in most cases is absolutely fine and as previously mentioned will come with plenty of warranty. It's the carefree 'it's not mine' attitude that kind of puts me off. Currently work in a bike garage and to be honest some demo bikes have a truly shit life. I feel quite sorry for them really like I would do a mistreated cat or dog. Some dealers put a couple hundred miles on them before allowing them out but some go out with ten miles or so on the clock. Jimbo made a good point that it's the hard riding from cold that is more detrimental long term rather than being ridden hard with not many miles on the bike.