Well done for having the courage to show us your little indiscretion So what do you think caused it then ? Too late on the brakes ... locked up the front ... target fixation ... bottled it Glad you were OK after ......... that could have been soooo much worse
Trying too hard to get my knee down on the left hander - just rolled off the tyre and lowsided - was scorching hot day too - think I crashed 2nd session of day , maybe 3rd
Yay, photos are now online. Lets see how long it takes me to get my confidence back now, bearing in mind it was raining there. All credit for the photo to /www.peterwilemanphotography.com
Think you should probably take that picture down Muff or you could find yourself with a lawsuit on your hands!
Lol, was gonna take my chances by giving them some free advertising as you even sign your rights away to your own photos when you sign on at Cadwell. Just checked their terms and It seems that it's ok as long as credit is given to Peter Wileman Photography either placed on the image or directly next to the image. So i'll edit the post to suit.
nice picture, would look even better if you bought one, then it wouldn't have copyright all over it lol daughter often rams that down my throat, and even sent me this picture