Didn’t take long to find details out after a quick google tbh. I’d say that some purchasers don’t do their homework in the way of things to look for in both bikes and sellers.
Again, would have replied earlier but not getting notifications for some reason. The bike came all polished up, I was tired as I was told he would be there about 6am and he had to be in Folkstone very soon after. This should have rang alarm bells tbh. The bike was a polished turd and I did look around it but never noticed the forks and parts like that. I've always had immaculate bikes and for some reason just thought 'yeah, this is a company, this bike will be fine." Lesson learnt though. Never ever again. If anyone called Carl Brookes tries to sell you a bike, run.
Sorry to hear that mate. It’s unfortunate as a bike is generally a heart rules head purchase (well for me it is anyway!) if I can help in any way let me know, happy to help where I can with my (limited) skills