First ride out of 2015

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by Remal, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. wilbert

    wilbert Active Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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    I had my first ride out yesterday not only on my new bike (new to me RR5) but the first for about 5 years after being bike free for too long. As it p1ssed down for most of the weekend most of the road salt had been washed off and there was a sign that the sun may just come out so I thought I would chance it. Maybe being slightly nervous, cold roads, brand new tyres and riding an un-familiar bike wasn’t the best combination but I had to do it sometime as I have an Easter tour booked with a few others. Anyway like they say you never forget how to ride a bike and after a quick petrol stop I set off on a random ride with no route planed, just making it up as I went along keeping one eye on any clouds rolling in and not venturing too far from home just in case a quick retreat was needed. Felt quite at home after only a few miles but I wasn't going to be throwing it into corners with new tyres and cold and sometimes slippery roads. I did find a couple of deserted stretches of road and was impressed with the pull in 2nd and 3rd up to the red line which felt way faster than the 60 speed limit I was doing!! I covered about 50 miles with no dramas other than a bit of a power wheelie. Gave the bike a good wash off when I got hone and let it drip dry in the sun and then a quick chamois to finish off. Looking forward to the next ride already.
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