Without trying to confuse matters, if we are going to run down the M58 then M6 and meeting 'Firebloke' then this place at the other end of the Rainford by pass gives easy access to the M58 and is en-route if your coming from Southport. https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?oe=utf-8&aq=t&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb&ie=UTF-8&q=Little+Chef,+Skelmersdale+Rd,+Ormskirk,+Bickerstaffe,+Ormskirk,+Lancashire+L39+0EZ,+United+Kingdom&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=Little+Chef,+Skelmersdale+Rd,+Ormskirk,+Bickerstaffe,+Ormskirk,&hnear=0x487b1767bfa08249:0x234726cb097b6cb6,Bickerstaffe+L39+0EZ&cid=0,0,15688785979111549659&ei=S__pT83dGNOZ8gPj3o3uDQ&ved=0CI0BEPwSMAA . Just a thought ..
Can you imagine if we all had gps on, and someone was trying to plot everybodys whereabouts to co ordinate the meetings...... PMSL.......would give a seasoned air traffic controller a fcuking migraine. I for one will be 'capped' if everyone who sets off actually meets up. Lol.
I dont think i'll be able to ride for laffin'........ Cant get the image of a load of dots on a screen randomly flying all over the place......
And before anyone thinks about it....I AM NOT jumping off devils bridge. (again.....). I forgot I still had my leathers n boots on last time....nearly fcukin drownded.
I have totally lost track of how many people are coming now. so bloody many of you. i think chaos might be a good work for what im expecting
Fcukin eck...have ya no faith at all? I'm slow so i'll be bringing up the rear. Besides, I probably wont have scrubbed the new slipsmarts in.
If anybody is worried about not ridding fast enough to keep up i dont mind ridding at the back so nobody gets left behind. i will be needing a quick blast near the front at some point though