Worked for a lot of lads through the years. Not in to name dropping but some are very special. Started in club racing and worked my way up to BSB. Done the TT, North West and Ulster for over 10 years.
All sounds very interesting! Picy police will hastle you for pics of your bike/bikes you can never see enough pics of blades or others
only was asking as you might have spannered for some racers I know. If you have been around the road racing scene that long I would hazard a guess that you have prob met me or my sis(most likely her,she knows bloody everyone lol)
Im presuming the new member is Prekky, aka the guy that bought slingshot racing when Jim Stock passed away.
Think it was last season (could be longer) the sisters mate Had just left swan.prob worked with darren? Mick s, was one Of the team tech's