Don't do it Si. You know these weedy types. If you face up to him and he'll go all faint and screams and do you for assault or something.
Look you can beat me up but touch my sweets and ill........................and ill........................and ill telly my mommy!!!!
Imposible is nothing 2 second part of a very good first vid but after closer look looks like the first one apart from a few extra bits
New Von Grumble vid, this time on the Blade which im sure will make you happier than on the gixxer! Baron von Blade - YouTube
[video][/video] Sorry guys I cant work out how to post it directly in the thread.
Sorry if this has been posted already but I sat through almost all of these enthralled It's basically Americans trying to deal with something unusual. A corner. And failing. Badly The videos should autoplay one after the other
Actually they won't play one after the other but if you go to youtube to watch it and check out the fella's channel there's loads of the same type of video. All on the same corner.
My last Le mans trip. check out from 2:30 managed to get to the mulsanne straight around 3AM. dodged the security and got about 5 feet away. the noise is amazing