*STATE PENSION -* _keep this going please_ Read and pass on: *Dear Prime Minister* I wish to ask you a Question:- *"Is This True?"* I refer to the *Pension Reality Check.* Are you aware of the following ? The British Government provides the following financial assistance:- *BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER* (bearing in mind they worked hard and paid their Income Tax and National Insurance contributions to the British Government all their working life) Weekly allowance: *£106.00* *IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN* (No Income Tax and National Insurance contribution whatsoever) Weekly allowance: *£250.00* *BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER* Weekly Spouse Allowance: *£25.00* *ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN* Weekly Spouse Allowance: *£225.00* *BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER* Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: *£0.00* *ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN* Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: *£100.00* A British old age pensioner is no less hard up than an illegal immigrant/refugee yet receives nothing *BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER* TOTAL YEARLY BENEFIT: *£6,000* *ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN* TOTAL YEARLY BENEFIT: *£29,900* Please read all and then forward to all your contacts so that we can lobby for a decent state pension. After all, the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last *40* to *60* years. Sad isn't it? Surely it's about time we put our own people *first.* Please have the guts to forward this. or copy an paste *I JUST DID!*
Fake news, Illegal immigrants cannot receive benefits. While refugees are eligible to the same benefits as UK nationals, these are capped far below £29,900 We took out private pensions and along with the state pension will get more than that too, when we finally reach 66