From today's isn't actually meant to be a 'funny' photo I reckon Moschino's seen some of our height challenged members ( tippy toes on R1/Rsv etc) in a Tescos XL puffa and nicked the idea lol
Ya gotta hand it to the bros from The Bronx. They sure are trendsetters. Think I'll try that idea with some new flannelette pyjamas.
Not necessarily a Funny Pic, but having just been inspired b y Bronx Boy I set myself to thinking about catching up on some old TV. My conundrum is: Would it be politically incorrect to order this? Might it be retitled to something like: Jake and the Deliciously Curvy Person?
Guys, if you get a link called 'free porn' dont opin it. It is a birus wich deactivates your spelcheck and fcuks up you riting. I also receibed it but lukily I dont uatch porn so I dint opin it. Plaese warm yu frends, wanks