Well its also vanity to ride a black bike and have your race rep leathers and helmet As it was proven that fluorescent clothing and a white helmet reduce the change Of a collision by over 25% . They also found that headlights on make little difference to the view of the driver As his brain is wired to look for cars vans and lorrys.so he ignores the bike he Isnt expecting to see.same as the derren brown trick of a gorilla walking on Stage I the middle of the show, you dont see it as you dont expect to see it. Was a whole program about it on sky discovery before xmas.
yes it was at night Phantom, the taxi driver said that he could not see the bike coming at him, the police tested the headlight covers ( same model) they quite literally blocked out almost all of the light from the headlights.
well then I would understand, there is no way I would even consider using them at night, thats just stupid.