Here we go again. None bike related.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Garyb, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. AshBlade

    AshBlade Riding Goddess

    Mar 14, 2012
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    Garyb,ive right enjoyed reading this thread you may have even inspired me to buy an electric cigarette.Ive tried chewing gum and lozenges and they give me violent hiccups..... The thing that stops me from quiting is i don't want to be a fat bloater...vain i know.:rolleyes:
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  2. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Hey, I may aswell update whilst I'm here.
    Ash, I'm just completing week 3. I know, it's a short time. But I will say. The E-cig seems so,natural now.
    I don't crave the cigagaretts as I did when going cold turkey or NRT products perhaps it's because I can have a pull on it as and when I feel like it? I've taken on board others experiences who have supported and given advice on this thread.
    One piece of advice I've taken on, is the cutting down the reward cigagaretts after tasks etc.
    The ones I do still enjoy though are the first thing in the morning with my cup of tea, the ones after meals and with a beer.
    I'm still on the 22mg at present, which represents a 25-30 a day smoker, TBH I don't really care if I stay on them for the rest of my natural, but I will try cutting down the nicotine strength and gradually coming off them altogether?
    Inadvertently I went 3 hours on Monday without having a toot of electric.

    If you do go UK#1 Buy Electric Cigarette | Electronic Cigarettes | Ecig | Ecigs ? Get the kit with the charger think its 29.97, the size is quite conveniently the size of a cigarette packet, which again is another placebo for us addicts.

    Another piece of advice, don't get the flavoured ones. Unless of course you like cherry, peach, capachino, vanilla.
    Just get the Tabbacco ones.

    To conclude. A lad on the opposite shift to me has now been on his E-cig 8 months this week.
    He's reduced to 12mg and belive me when I say this, if he didn't have 60 cigs with him when he started a shift. He was worried he'd have enough.

    Good luck Ash, and of course freedom who's giving this a bash too.
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  3. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Morning folks.

    Just to update you on my progress, stoptober is over, I am now on Day 28 Without cigarettes. I feel I have come far enough now and shall just comsider myself a "non smoker" although that could be argued as I'm still using the electronic cigarette, well as documented previously not an issue.
    So no more counting the weeks, let's start adding the months.
    I'll make this my last update on a weekly basis, and let the thread phase into the depths of buried threads.

    Thanks for all your support.
  4. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    Well done Gary, keep it up gets easier the longer you are away from them :)

    I used to smoke 20 a day for years, but have now been stopped for over 10 years, I just gave up cold turkey after a nasty chest infection....and feel a whole lot better for it :)
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