I don't understand Why..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Remal, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I'm not sure that I'm even saying that Si. International politics have always been about being seen to do the right thing in the eyes of your rivals not you voters. This country has never had a revolution. The people have never stepped over the edge into an anarchy that forces the will of the people to be considered. We don't have a constitution that protect that will by law. Our built in class respect system have never allowed it. We have always been cannon fodder to the rule makers whether elected or 'appointed by god'. There have always been those who would stand up and be heard but not loud enough or for long enough for us to hear them. But this is the age of information, so now the people can't help but be heard. Hopefully it'll overcome the thousands of years of British subservience.

    Who's up for storming the Winter Palace?
  2. megawatt

    megawatt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Ever heard of Oliver Cromwell Ken ?
  3. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Well I'll chuck my two-penneth in.....for what it's worth :D

    This lass was extremely brave to speak out the way she did and I believe that if she goes back to Pakistan then she'll be living in constant fear. I have no doubt that the Taliban will try their best to finish what they started because she's being held up as a paragon of all the values that they're dead against.

    As for the Pakistani police being able to defend her? Don't kid yourself. They can barely defend themselves.

    Helping people is what British people do. It's no coincidence that following the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004 (if memory serves me correctly) Britain was the country whose people gave the most in aid. I'm not talking about government aid. I'm on about the people themselves handing over their cash. It's because we're good people who want to help and who can't stand seeing people suffering.

    I think in this country we're often unrealistic about the world beyond our borders. This girl was shot in the head......like not like hollywood movie style......she was actually shot in the head.....simply for speaking out against a bunch of religious zealots. Most of us will never know what it's like to live in that kind of chaos. Most of us have a complete paddy if someone keys the side of our car.

    Obviously we can't heal the world's ills and I'm also cynical enough to know why this lass has been brought here. Yes of course it's a political showcase but I can see the value in it.
    • Like Like x 3
  4. megawatt

    megawatt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I agree with Rich. I am not racist either, but it is totally justifiable to hate ginga tossers!!! And I defend my right to say so!!!
  5. kpone

    kpone Moderator
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    Jul 7, 2011
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    Yes Alan and no, I didn't know him.

    Oliver Cromwell was a religious zealot not a revolutionary, obsessed not with the greater good of the people but with the fear of the return of Catholicism to Britain and despite the happy accident of his insanity removing an absolute monarchy and replacing it with, at least, a constitutional one (for which I will be forever grateful), he was still a genocidal maniac (for which I will always feel guilt towards the Irish) and even at this moment of 'near' revolution, the great British people decided that the good old king wasn't so bad after all, and look at all the good he's done and the tourism he brought to the country and let his son back into the family business a decade later, pretending the whole 'unpleasantness' of nearly becoming a commonwealth and nearly wiping out an entire neighbouring race, never really happened.

    Yes I have heard of him. He was a one man taliban, suppressing conflicting ideologies with extreme prejudice and zeal and ended up appropriately.
    #25 kpone, Mar 20, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2013
  6. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Nothing to do with being racist.

    The crux of the matter is that the politicians and their ilk make stupid choices, which is detrimental to the voters and tax payers. Why hand out money willy nilly to the lazy and immigrants? We suffer and pay for it with wage freezes, increasing taxes and ultimately redundancy.
    A guy lives next door to me, £725 is his rent a mth. He doesn't work, never has. he drinks and smokes and goes on Holiday. All for free. he must get £2k a mth. Why?
    A Polish bloke comes here to work, he earns money, and the UK government send over child benefit for his kids that still live in Poland . Why?
    The Uk government gladly accept people from abroad, pay benefits straight away for them and their families, but if we need help when we come out of work or are ill they make it so difficult for us, and give us the bare minimum, and if we have savings that we have already paid taxes on to keep these people, we get penalised. Why?
    The NHS is mainly used by people who have never paid into the system, and yet it's crumbling around us. Why?

    I could go on. Yes, we give money as a nation to help others...that's the british way, but we decide ourselves to do that, out of our own money and time. Governments do it knowing that the majority of tax payers are against it, they are single handedly (sp) destroying the nation as a whole where the British tax payer suffers due to their stupid decisions and pure greed. I for one am sick to death of it. Not racism, just realistic.
  7. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I totally agree. I don't see why people should be allowed to come to Britain and claim benefits.

    I'd like to see much much stricter immigration and the repatriation of anyone living here illegally but I think there's a bit of difference between someone who does that and this Pakistani lass.

    I've got no problem with people coming here to work though. Let's not forget that there are far more British expats living in other countries than there are foreigners living in this country. Would we expect to be viewed as filthy immigrants coming in and taking people's jobs?
  8. Si.

    Si. God Like

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Rich, the government can't even tell us how many are here, they simply don't know.
    They come here to abuse the benefit system, and the UK funds them to do so, and their families. They can't even read the forms, they have to get someone to fill it in for them!
    I have no problem whatsoever with those from foreign countries coming here to work, there's plenty of lazy uk born that simply refuse to work as they are better off scamming the benefits...

    The way we hand out monies to them is unbelievable... it's catch 22 but nothing ever will be done unless we revolt. Then you have the voters. The lazy and scroungers will vote for who will serve them best, they are not interested in the economics or politics, they are only interested in themselves. A wasted vote. It Comes full circle.

    As for expats, i know a few tht have made home, but they claim their pension from the UK which they've paid into, not the country of residence that they now live.
    We can't go to those Countries without a job and scream blue murder asking for benefits from them, we would get told to sod off, and rightly so.
    More and more people are moving abroad to get away from this nanny state, and a lot of them a rich UK taxpayers.
    How the hell can we sustain the benefit society? We simply can't! That's one of the reasons why we are in this state... And then there's the whole problem with the banks too...
    Yes we have have fought to keep it as a free country, but guys, welcome to UKSSR. You can't do, say or show fuck all anymore to change things. The Justice System is a joke, the Politicians are a joke, the Banking is a joke...
    The UK is first to say go fight someone elses war to appease their nations and citizens at a cost of billions and lives, but there's some serious problems here that need sorted and we have become, i feel, a laughing stock, and rightly so.
  9. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    That's what it boils down to. Politics is largely about selfish self-serving interests.

    I know people who can't wait for the next election so that they can have another stab at voting labour back in, simply so that they can get their benefits back up to the level they were at.

    Then there are those like myself who don't claim a single thing from the government who just want the tories to clobber the benefit state and get the spending under control.
  10. Kevin1

    Kevin1 Elite Member

    May 30, 2012
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    interesting debate going on here. But it is no good bitching among ourselves ( I have refrained from commenting, although the force is strong). Why not write to your MP, that's how things get changed, not postings on here. I am not saying don't debate it in the lounge, just don't expect things to change if it is the only place you do. Sunday morning TV really annoys me, they debate so much, but never change anything. Things only have a chance of changing if enough of us write to the MP.
  11. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Don't anyone think any of my previous posts are
    Rasist because there not, god knows we have
    Enough problem's with the old religion joke over
    Here.not that long ago you would have got shot
    (Not Hollywood style) for being the wrong religioin
    The wrong area....can count a few times I personally
    Came close.thats what the trouble boils down to in
    The world...bloody religion. But where Britain goes
    Wrong is the politicians have this belief that we all
    Have to step up and pay the bill for migrants and
    Refugees to have a better life. Should bill their home
    Country for their stay here, I bet their home county
    Would soon tighten their boarders. But its now a
    Story you see all around world, when I was last in
    Florida I went to one section of orlando and popped
    Into the shops for some directions.all the shops in the
    Area had worker's at the tills that didn't know a single
    Word of english.a barman was telling me thats the way
    A lot of Florida is going and once again dare speak up
    About it and your a racist.
  12. megawatt

    megawatt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Right , that's that sorted. Let's get back to abusing Ken ?:D
    • Like Like x 1
  13. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Would anybody be too upset if I harboured decidedly prejudiced feelings towards Megawatt?
    • Like Like x 4
  14. JM1

    JM1 Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Various members on this forum are happy enough to label people as, for example, "cop haters" at the drop of a hat, so it shouldn't be too surprising if some of the posts in this topic are labelled as "racist".
  15. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    I think the problem is as soon as you give off about how the country
    with all its money problems hands out money and accommodation to
    foreign nationals hand over fist you are automatically labelled a racist
    but this is the politicians that have everyone thinking like this so you
    cant stand up and say what they are doing is wrong.

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