My current insurer wont cover me for next year and cant find another "reasonable" quote. i have got 4 weeks to find 1
i had to pay about £395 with the mods declared - HM QS, Bodywork, Brembo, briaded lines, can etc. Found it very difficult to get any quotes under the £600 mark - With MCE watch for the 'admin fees' if you make a mid term change, no matter how small its £50 I think.
biggest problem with MCE is their idiots and they cant resist trying to sell you extras after youve taken a policy! just say no and they seem ok
My CRF230 is £50 fully comp......... Lady bikers plus over 40 i think it helps......but, the law has changed on women getting cheaper insurance.I'm due for renewal in January so i will see if its jumped up.
Ahh that;'s why... can't wait to be 40 in 5 yrs will come down like it has for you old farty pants.
there policy has now changed and now i dont fit there criteria anymore. Basicaly im too young. if i cant find another quote i will ring h&r back and speak to management about it
Fez, i had the same last year, not because of my youthful appearance, but because they weren't insuring litre sports bikes. I swapped over, and got it for half the price anyway, so alls good. insurance companies = knobs of the highest order.
Just got insured through Swinton Bikes. Both bikes fully comp protected for £370. Always end up with different insurers every year.
whats annoying is how they give you a shite renewal price so you go online arse about getting the best quotes then the tossers invariably match it.......!
They just expect some customers to say ok to the renewal as the can't be asrde to check for a better quote. When I get my renewal in I always phone them up and get them to improve it or I go elsewhere. Only once has it turned out to be the cheapest quote though. It's a pain to have to do it every year
Well my insurance is due in the next few days, just checked online and it looks as if i'll be changing from Hastings to H&R
I was with Bennetts (not recommended) who had me fecked about all year with grief about added accessories I spent most of my time wondering if I was even covered! Their renewal came through at..... Wait for it....£370 . So did the Internet two step and signed up with mce for 180, with more cover than I had previously including Europe, kit, legal , breakdown and a weeks holiday with Scarlett Johansson . Okay made up the last bit, but you get the point.... Greedy feckers all IMHO.