I couldn't get my bloody gloves off this evening for ages, soaked with sweat and I spent ages last night working out what to wear for a big commute ride over the Pennines today, the lightest jacket I've now got had me sweltering like a stuck pig this evening after the m62 ground to a halt and left me filtering for a good half hour through stationary traffic. Two weeks ago I sold my dainese mesh jacket having only worn it a few times, I could have used it for a fortnight solid now. Karma for something obviously.
Just back from 39 degrees in Corfu to find it bloody roasting here too. Where has my cool weather gone ?
Ha ha ha ha hope not as well. Giving us a chance to get all the washing done and hung out. I know I should be out on the bike right now, but the wife had to go back to work today, so I am stuck with the kids. They won't all fit onto a blade. Met a guy out in Corfu who was on his bike. A street fightered GSXR600. Looked pretty smart for what it was, and can totally understand why he did what he did to it, considering the roads that are there. However he did it because he had came off and smashed all his plastics. And it was cheaper to fighter it than return it to its former glory. Sounded nice though.
Must be summer, the number of people out riding in shorts, t-shirts, trainers and no gloves. Even saw a bloke on a ZX6R on the M2 Sunday wearing a wife beater.
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA went out last night for a blat, temp gauge int he shade in outside the house said 28 degrees. Had my BKs vented 1 piece, and until about 8PM was bloody hot unless you did over 60. great fun but always the same. Either to hot or to cold
I seen a dude out today out in shorts, a tee shirt and a PAIR OF SANDLES!!!! A had to look twice to make sure a seen what a seen too!
Its forecast 27C at cadwell on monday! As much as I'm looking forward to the tracktime, I am not looking forward to that sort of heat!
While myself and Shawn were waiting for the northerners to turn up at kpones end an aprillia pulled up and the bloke got off waring a leather jacket and gloves, shorts and plimsoles don't get why you would only half dress
How do you change gear in sandals? Obviously this is a rhetorical question, as nobody on here would be seen dead in sandals.
Mother of god, I've come down to London for an interview and I'm melting. Now I'm not saying as a Yorkshireman that I'm not used to the sun but how do you southerners stick this heat??
it's always warmer in London................ Ti's been cuffing hot for weeks. it can't be that cooler up North?
I really like this kind of weather. Ling is also in her element having grown up with 30/32 every day in Penang. Using the tube is another matter, after the last couple of weeks I don't know if I am going to dry clean my suits or just throw them in the bin.
I only jumped on the tube for a quick ride between Oxford circus and Liverpool st yesterday and it was awful! Much longer and I would have been dripping wet
I certainly notice a degradation in air quality once I go north, every day I exit the Blackwall Tunnel, its just not as fresh as the southern side. Got stuck near the entrance to tunnel going home Tuesday night, they closed the tunnel for about 20 mins, all the bikes queuing in a line between the cars, turned my blade off when the temp hit 113, but the fecking cars all have aircon, so they, the buses and trucks were all belching out heat, windows closed tight, a lot of the bikers then started going native, lids off, jackets off, and without warning the barriers went up, the cars were off like a GP, bikers scrambling to get back on bikes, redress and not get mown down, cars whizzing past whilst bikers stuck in the middle of 2 accelerating lanes, was like wacky races, must have made the car drivers PTSL. Never managed to get my jacket or lid done up all the way home.
I arrived at the office this morning, clocked the thermometer and it was reading 31C. Then I fired up the minilab which exhausts two 2kw heaters into the room it's in while it's printing. I'm hoping for a quiet day... With regard to what Kentblade mentions above, I spent some time in 'that London' back in May, just when the current sunny period started and I was shocked at the air quality, especially after coming from the provinces. It was the first time I could actually taste air. I started symptoming allergies I don't have, the clag that was coming out of my nose when I blew it was like a prop from the Excorcist. You read and hear about this kind of pollution but tend to regard the figures as machine readings. I was genuinely surprised at being assaulted by the dirt in the atmosphere. I suppose you, who live in the big cities, must get some kind of immunity to it, but get yourselves down here more often boys and breathe some air you can't taste.