What! No bike! That means you too will be reduced to the ranks of grockle. A slack jawed gawper at our leather clad godliness. I only hope that you intend to dress for the body you have, rather than the one you wish for when you stroll along the esplanade. Not Primark three quarter shorts, no ink on show and definitely no sockdals!
Popped to loomies yesterday with a mate who just passed his test. Witnessed a bit of bike domino's when a bloke on an SV lost control of his bike at slow speed frantically stomping his foot on the floor and then decided to accelerate! Well straight into parked bikes. Doh!
Was kind of funny but not at the same time, no serious damage bikes were all unfaired he jumped off his before impact. He went a nice shade of Ducati red
i'd rather write mine off than domino a loads of dudes bikes at a meet!! got to be the worst thing ever.... poor bloke! that said, i'd have struggled not to laugh if i saw that (as long as my bike was on the other side of the carpark )