Oh sh#t I forgot....obviously it doesn't refer you o most lovely magnificent biker bloke on here...ever.....
In fact... unlike everyone else up there you're more ripped than Mister Ripped 2019 I've just seen on the news
Best to keep thinking that girl, I'm not competing with @bazzashadow I could never hold my 5 pack in for long enough
Sorry mate...wrong video..I got them mixed up That's Prince Habibobbos surveillance footage of Nigels recent wife hunt holiday in Dubai and not the Outer Hebrides Jock McSporran Beach Club
What are you like All this niceness must be difficult? You could do worse than heading North of the border... https://keyassets.timeincuk.net/inspirewp/live/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2017/11/beach6-620x394.jpg
I am interested to see how long @LRJimmy can keep this pace. He's averaging bout 10 posts a day, he's yet to take something poorly and has not been cross with anyone. I am convinced he is one of two things...a spy from a Ducati forum or a bot. Which is it? Ducatista or Robotista?
"Simples" to quote Alekzander You've heard the saying - You don't have to be crazy to work here but it helps...? Well where I work, crazy is the clever ones and the fu**wits are in abundance. I have learned patience Besides, the most import thing - I'm a Scotsman
He's not had the ultimate test of the Downvote fired at him yet We need to see where he is on the 'NigelOmeter' scale first