new benefit rules

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Yorkshire Tyke, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I agree. Problem is that the news and entertainment media always point the cameras at that type of person because it makes for good, inflammatory TV that gets everyone talking. They don't show the people who are just getting by. Nobody's interested in seeing that.

    I also think that you have to take into account that not everyone was given the same start in life. I've been orphaned (if you can call it that) since the age of 23. My parents, grandparents.....everyone. I had a choice. Either stand on my own two feet and forge a life for myself or give in. I chose the former. It's been tough but I've made it. Thing is though I was given the building blocks to do that. I was well-educated (honest :D), kept healthy, happy and taught right from wrong by good parents. Some people don't get that start in life. They're raised by morons who themselves live on benefits and they end up growing up useless. Nobody in their right minds would want to employ them.

    Please don't think I don't get annoyed and frustrated with the lack of fairness in the system. I do. Just the other day there was a knock at my door. Woman with a clipboard informing me of the government's new scheme to offer free boiler replacements. Very nice, I thought. Mine could do with replacing.

    "You just need to be in receipt of any kind of benefit"

    "Oh right......I'm not"

    "Doesn't matter what it is. Child tax credits........child benefit.......anything"


    " don't claim ANY benefit?"


    "Oh.......right......well in that case you unfortunately don't qualify"

    Yeah it's really really annoying when we're the ones who pay the taxes in the first place but I still think that taking care of those that don't work is preferable to the world we'd find ourselves in if we didn't.
  2. Remal

    Remal It's ME
    Staff Member

    Jan 23, 2011
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    Just my little view.

    I've worked hard since I was 16. Have done loads of training to get me where I am today. And never stopped trying to improve myself and make my family life good because of it. My wife does not need to work but does help me with my family business. I came from a single parent family which my grandparents helped bring me up as well as mum as they all had the family business to run which I have taken over.

    Non of us have ever claimed anything. Worked paid our bills etc...
    What do we get in return. Having to pay lots of tax. jump when told to and watch while others do little.

    My i daughter in law has been out of work for 5 years. When she was made redundant. We asked he that if she wanted to come in for a interview and training, and if she was willing to work (this was 5 years ago) she could have a job. After the interview and training she said thanks but no thanks. [​IMG]

    In my line of work (Adult social care ) I see it that if you get to a age and need care. Have worked hard all your life, have a house you own. money you saved for when your older then you have to Pay for your own care. Until you spend most of it and then you will get help from the government.

    But if you have not worked. Or worked much, Live in a council house> Spend your money on drink, cigarettes or bet all your money away. Then you will get help from the government from day dot

    Does that sound wrong to you! it does to me.

    I can understand why people do their best to legally give money to their family/next of kin so they benefit from it and not the government.

    To add once you die, they tax you because you have worked hard through their lives FFS

    Off topic but just my feelings.

    On topic: Anything that get people into any job and give's them more money than if they pop to the job center a few times a week then that's good by me

    If that does not make sense ^^ that is due to the fact that I have been working the past 11 days. Will have 2 days off over the weekend and have been on call the last 3 days which meant I was called into work at 2AM this morning and got to bed at 5. And was back in work at 8AM

    So a bit tired
    #22 Remal, Oct 1, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2013
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  3. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I have never taken a penny off the state and pay a shed load in income tax to keep the lazy gits in beer and fags. What really grips my shit is getting taxed on my income and then taxed again on my savings, the very same savings that mean I won’t be eligible for any benefits or help to wipe my arse for me if after I have had my work related heart attack or stroke. Rant over.
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  4. dave d

    dave d Elite Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Please don't think I don't get annoyed and frustrated with the lack of fairness in the system. I do. Just the other day there was a knock at my door. Woman with a clipboard informing me of the government's new scheme to offer free boiler replacements. Very nice, I thought. Mine could do with replacing

    Great news Rich after ive just paid £550 getting mine fixed fucking marvellous!!!!!!
  5. Mike07

    Mike07 Active Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Also if you think of the £26000.00p Cap How much is this really? How much do I have to earn to end up with £26000.00p perhaps about £35000.00p. This can't be right. The question to ask is, we only have so much money to go around would you spend it on a 20 year old fit lad/lass saying 'I'm not working I'll get more on the dole' or someone in real need, ill, old, need medicines, disabled, Etc.
    Mike. ( only pay cuts in last 4 years)
  6. Dee

    Dee New Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    From a foreigner point of view...
    I came to uk in 2008. I didn't come here like most of people just because of work. I've just found a woman who I loved and decided to move.
    Back in cuntry I was high admin clarke in county hospital so was happy with it.
    When I come here I was looking for some any entry level position in admin and very often I've been told that " sorry but I can't hire you, because you are from..." even that my english was fluent and had a lot of work experience.

    Now back to the topic... end of 2012 had my bike crash and broke my hand and wrist really badly. Was working in casino at the time as full licenced croupier ( ain't that easy to get, and months of traning). After about 3 weeks on sick holliday I got back to work but was moved to reception as my hand was fuked.. After moth there they redundant me..
    As you can image it's not easy to find new job with broken hand still in cast.. so first time in my life I've claimed benefits.
    Reality was that I was just about to survive on benefits. Wasn't that good at all... apart from fact that first time in years I had some time for myself... and if not jobs what I had from time to time "on a side" I don't think I would make it..

    It is a big problem with people who just keep claming benefints for nothing..I agree on that but unfortunatly there is other side of this coin to ....
    Most of employers now days pay minimum wage.. and a specialy if you've been a while on benefits u can't really look for anything better. So if you lucky you earn about £1000 a moth ( probably with overtimes) and lets make a simple break down..
    Flat ( don't get me wrong it's one bed small flat not some kind of villa ;p) £500
    Tax on it about £100 a month
    Phone bill £20
    Tv + broadband £30
    So that leave you with £350 a moth and not even mentioned here about bills, food, transport money ( fuel, insurance etc or even just a bus it's about 80 quid a moth..)
    Sounds like a bit hard life to live..
    when on benefits you "save" money on most of those things and are given each month about £350 ? With a loads of time on your hand to do "other" stuff....

    So I agree that benefit system should be fixed and people should work for their money, but then again gov. should think how much they let us earn and how much they taking money from us so that we still could live on respectable level and not choose easy solution....

    A bit to long? xd
  7. Dee

    Dee New Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Oh I forgot to mention that I was on benefits only for about 6 months when I had cast on hand and then a bit of physiotherapy so i could actually move my hand :p
    Don't want you to think that I'm kind of lazy guy on benefits. Been working since 14-15 yrs of age and I'm working now ;)

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