Good on you Beckers, I was at Pondarose Sunday afternoon for a spin out, you should of lets us know and we could of met up and compared war wounds ;-)
I rode around Bala Sunday then called past Ponderosa on way back on Monday evening. Next time your heading that way let me know in advance and you can come round to Bala for a brew mate
Oh I know these roads well around North Wales and can take you on some fantastic one with minimal police presence, Bala is bit of a police hotspot at the moment and we don't want to come home after a wonderful trip out to find a nice photo of our bikes courtesy of the North Wales Go Safe van :-(
I know the van quite well already mate seen him in Bala most days. Ive bought a lodge 1.5 miles out of the town so will be venturing around most of the roads, already done many. Your welcome for a brew anytime