New dirt bike.

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by Grooveski, Feb 26, 2021.

  1. Grooveski

    Grooveski Active Member

    May 21, 2019
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    Forgot to mention the scary bit.

    Floating ground mod I think it was called. Rewiring the generator for DC lighting.

    Wasn't hard. I just followed the instructions that came with the TrailTech reg/rec that I picked up.
    Was nerve wracking though - chopping up a perfectly good stator.
  2. Grooveski

    Grooveski Active Member

    May 21, 2019
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    While tightening the chain I noticed a fair bit of material on my back sprocket seemed to be missing. :confused:

    Oh no - it's not missing - there it is. :D


    I don't know - was my first alloy sprocket. Maybe a thousand miles is ok milage for one.
    Anyhow - have ordered a steel replacement.
    ...and taken the opportunity to go up a tooth to 47. Can spare a litle top end and the 5th-6th transition is a touch tall on uphill stretches sometimes.
    (mainly due to the baffle robbing power - could still use a rejet)
  3. Grooveski

    Grooveski Active Member

    May 21, 2019
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    Big end gone! :(

    Knew that sooner or later the engine would need a teardown. It's gettting on and has never been looked after the way dirt bikes should be.

    To end the post on a cheerier note. Here's a couple of pics from a track day a couple of months ago. :D

    Used to be able to keep up with my mate's son when he was on the 85. Now that he's on a 150 it's a different story. To be fair, everyone's quicker on the 150 - the wee thing rips!


    Most folk's worst nightmare - seeing their vehicle airborne in the hands of a 15 year old. :p

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