But it's not a 'Blade only' forum anymore is it? Tiz a much trendier Cosmopolitan forum now! Logo needs to lose 2 Zero's and an R!
Yeah. If UKIP get wind of all the biking immigrants we get on here now they'll flip a fit! I think we need a re-think on non-blade immigration
I like the new layout but it really does need something to emphasize that it is a Fireblade forum with a few interlopers and not the other way round. The logo at the top could be referring to the BMW. The bikes at either side are barely visible (macbook pro) and don't really let you know it is a Fireblade Forum, sad but true. I haven't tried it yet but I hope we no longer have to use a third party to post images.
Best I hone my observation skills before I go out on the bike. Only just noticed it and was looking for the new one last night
viewing it on my laptop(pc) and the bikes either side of the page are barely visible. Not sure that I like the new logo/layout. Anyway dusted down the bike and had a wee blast on Sunday, still a mite chilly around this neck of the woods.