Just Done all my lock wire now as well which is straight forward enough got the kit of ebay about £20 just need to drain antifreeze which I will do March time .i fitted a k+n air filter which has a nut head that is predrilled for lock wire so no need for a jubilee clip . Ready for racing pretty much .
I've always used the K&N filters, so much easier to fit/take off and the lockwire is alot easier aswell, only cost a fraction more than the oem filter, and sometimes there can be deals done on ebay where you can get 4 for cheaper than 4 oem filters… looks like there will be plenty of racing going on next year
I didn't on early r6 I raced but very gooooood one mate they must of overlooked it with the oil filler cap and dipstick I saw some people with with those push in clips can't think what they were called like circlips then the lock wire onto them so they didn't have to keep lock wiring
Anything to save lock wiring is well worth it, hence I use the genuine filters and a hose clip around them. Plus if they are what Yamaha recommend and what a lot of the British Superstock teams use, then i reckon it will do for me. The only lock wire I have to re-do every time is the sump plug. Ball ache of a job, so keep it simple.
I've been using these for a couple of years now, easy when you have to change from wets to dry of the other way around 5 times a race day this year I have used the wire from a bike brake with an elctricians eye on it instead of doind the lock wire on these clips, if you want a pic I'll get one taken so you know what I mean, very easy to use and cheap as to buy
Yep done this also removed Horn which was an odd one on the tech list, fitted shark fin also replaced all the fairing screws with quick release ones.Still got the ignition problem of what to do with it as want to get rid of the key start but seems a hassle with the HISS system on it.
Good pic that's what I need on my dipstick cheers wedgie.As a pain otherwise to lock wire the dip stick Everytime I want to dip the oil.
I saw someone took hiss part out key fitted with silicone or similar where key goes made a tidy job then run power to kill switch
another thing to lock wire in place is your ignition key. Last thing you want, should you bin it, is lose the key in the kitty litter.
A local locksmith uses us to practice on well the cars ha ha so we get freebies so luckily mine isn't chipped I have taped on the bike but I might do away with the ignition key over winter . I know a bit harder with the chipped ones