Actually it's not as well paid as it used to be but the downturn in the price of oil was a good excuse to cut costs. What I do enjoy is the time off. For the next 3 1/2 weeks I will not have an alarm going off at stupid o'clock and I won't even be wearing a watch. In fact a lot of the time I won't even be able to remember where my mobile is as it's good to just get some peace without being constantly harassed and chased Did I mention the time off LOL Roll on the day when I can be collecting trolleys at B&Q.....
Alas but the Avatar is correct this time as I’m in 3G. Depending what I’m online with will range anywhere from UK, Holland, USA, or sometimes even SA or if I’m using a VPN I can pick my location.
Last night at the was a beautiful sunset but my phone is crap Then this morning on an outing from the office...