Decided to go on a week TD tour for my comeback 1.Snetterton -Bank holiday Monday 25th May (Wedgie and YT are there at the weekend racing so will get to watch them on the Sunday when I get there.) 2.Maybe Cadwell on Tueday 26th May depending how I feel 3.Oulton 27th May 27th In at the deep end just hope the weather is kind to me . OH AND STEVE aka FIREBLOKE WHEN YOU READ THIS "SHOW ME THE MONEY"let me explain Steve bet me £10 I wouldn't be back on track before June.
It passed, 101.6 Great day, thanks to Jay and Jase for turning up for support Suspension was all to cock in the morning, bike just didn't want to turn so my crew chief stiffened up the rear and all was better Haven't had chance to download the timing data as the other computer is loading a million fucking updates so will do it later but i know I've smashed my previous best and lets just say 1.50's are a thing of the past
Really looking forward to this now was at Snett yesterday and was a bit rusty and would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous I didn't know anyone there which allowed me to learn the track and get my mojo back as only been once before and that was on a blade that kept cutting out(faulty tilt sensor) The BMW is made for tracks like Snett it's the first track I have done where I have used all 6 gears struggled slightly with full gear range as my ankle doesn't bend fully yet so was adjusting gear lever though the day and even though I didn't have my laptimer on I know I was a lot quicker than when I went on my blade since I sorted the front end out on the BMW it handles really well (yes I crashed at Oulton but that was pushing to hard on a cold track) No laptimer tommorow (I think) as I want to practice a few things and going to play around with Suspension as my tyre wear problem is still happening one thing I did try at Snett is dropping tyre pressure to 25psi (hot) which seemed to improve it I am using the new Metzeler RR and Parkitt have always said 26psi(hot) I put a new rear on so going to try 24psi (hot) see how that is . Weather looks good so looking forward to getting back to Oulton and having a crack with all the regulars .(getting there tonight about 6pm)
Would love to mate but next week is family time as my daughter is off school for 2 weeks so I am in Wales
Great day at Oulton today and was great to be back in the garage with the lads glad to get that monkey of my back started of pretty slowly but soon built my pace up was working on a few things later breaking which has improved , was doing shells(where I crashed( in 3rd instead of my normal 2nd gear but overall felt good the rest of the track had a few problems as the day went on with fitness and a lazy/aching left foot struggling to change up gears but still happy with my pace considering been off a bike for 3 months still a few seconds off my normal times but that will come back soon enough had to cut short a few sessions as just felt tired but I guess doing Snett on Monday was a lot in 1 week . Hopefully do the double headers in June but racing at Brands before then so can't wait for that .
yep really enjoyed the day,and happy my bike seems to be fixed . you'll not be long before your back upto speed jase.