Over speed limit 90/100 police in unmarked car get behind you. stop?

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by hump333, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. hump333

    hump333 Member

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Got court on speed trap years ago by motorcycle copper with radar gun! In 30mhp. On my CBR919 rrw, he jump out of Bush in his hivs, i slamed on my breaks, seeing the other bmw police bikes up the road waiting. So pulled up, stand down & lid off which was Simpson darkvader style (police don't like), he asked me how fast i was going... I said about 30:eek:, he still playing with gun (his new toy) an says to me i heard you from here in 1st,2nd,3rd, raging it! my new full system at the time never helped me... Give him my nane all that stuff an he says i CAN'T get reading of how fast i was going, as the bike was so small! got my little producter off him and off i went! An blocking about my lid, :cool:
    #41 hump333, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
  2. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Showed my mates this thread (those in the cops) and their feedback was that this comment is pretty much spot on:

    I know a number of class 1 traffic officers and if you rolled off down to say 75 - 80 and were wearing correct kit, traffic was light in good visibility and plate legal (they really don't care that much about exhausts) there is every chance if they do stop you it could be a severe telling off, or a ticket at a speed that reduces their paperwork (ie. below 100) and avoids you going to court.
    They HATE small plates and riders with an attitude / dangerous riding - prob. because of the number of doors they have knocked on to tell a parent 'I'm sorry but your son has been killed in an accident'.

    Stop, lid off - gloves off, off bike and see what happens is my advice.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. callumw

    callumw Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    How small a plate is too small?
  4. callumw

    callumw Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    That's what happens when you get pulled by the fuzz ;)
  5. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    Well if you go by the letter of the law anything less than 9"x7" is to small if they get their rulers out
  6. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    SHOCK HORRER PROBE.... for once I agree with JM1..... We are all old enough, although not that sure of mental age, to know the rules. If we choose to flout them then we should be prepared to take it on the chin if we get caught. If you’re on the bike, Stop, engine off, helmet off, gloves off. Be polite, friendly and above all non confrontational and hope for the best. I got stopped sometime ago in my car very early one clear summer morning on an almost empty southbound M11 by an unmarked I just didn’t notice see until the blue lights came on, rolled back to NSL but still got pulled over. I did exactly what I recommend others to do, Waited to see what he had to say, agreed with him and got away with a ticking off, a very nicely and politely delivered ticking off at that. Ok, it might not work every time but it’s got to be worth a punt given they hold all the trump cards. Bear in mind the boys in blue are only doing their job and when treated with respect will on whole return the compliment.
  7. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I can see a situation in which it would be logical, worthy and intelligent to attempt to outrun a modern, radio, plate recognition camera'd, helicopter equipped police force.

    Of course you'd have to live in Hazzard County and have one of the good ole' Duke boys riding pillion so he could shoot out the tyres of the police car with his bow and arrow. Knowing that the worse that could happen as a consequence would be Boss Hogg throwing his Stetson to the floor and jumping up and down on it in frustration.Then it wouldn't be a pointless, worthless gesture.

    But then if we didn't have pointless, worthless gestures, I wouldn't be able to laugh my tits off at the dickheads on the Darwin Awards website so it's Yin and Yang I suppose.
  8. Barry_m2

    Barry_m2 Active Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I've been done for speeding twice, both on a bike (ZXR750) and at either ends of the same road, and both times for 41 in a 30!

    The ones I didn't get done for were the lucky ones..... Pulled onto the M/way slip road, took her up to around 130, backed off and sat at around 100 as I joined the m/way (late night, no cars around). As I joined the m/way I saw a single light in my mirror, getting closer, closer, closer..... but it didn't come past me! I looked to my right and saw a police BMW matching my speed, he looked at me, gave me the 'slow down' sign with his hand, pulled in front of me a buggered off at the next junction! PHEW!!!

    The other time I was on my way home from work, pulled off a roundabout onto a 2 mile dual carriageway. Couple of cars in front of me so I gave it a quick squirt up to 100+ to pass them, once past I backed off slowly down to around 70 and stayed there. But when I looked in my mirror, it would seem that one of the cars (a nice black Volvo) was actually an unmarked car, blue lights on, quick blast of the siren.... He pulled along side me, and actually gave me the thumbs up for bringing my speed back down and moving to the inside lane, which I'd done before he got behind me or even realised he was there! So I'm assuming he knew I wasn't riding like a nutter and was just a quick blast to overtake.

    I don't ride on the road any more!

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