I used long nose pliers on the outer coil plugs, fiddly but manageable. My cables run under the heat shield but cable tied so that they weren't resting on the top of the engine.
I thought how on earth did he manage that As far as i could work out its a kind of stopper to help keep it from unclipping itself but i certainly wouldnt be worried if i lost mine as the connectors are hard to unclip without them in the way. Make sure it all clips back together nicely and you will be fine.
Im using translogic. Think my mate with the hm set his to 90. Standard is 60 iirc? I think thats what the hm lite version is set to. Few people on here with hm will be able to let you know.
evening all , can anybody give me any settings for a plus ss ? I must have wiped them that was on it when fitting , dohhh. thanks.