Removing PC & Akra

Discussion in 'Mods, Upgrades, Accessories and Products' started by Barstewardsquad, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Pete H

    Pete H Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    Hastings sell their debts to a company called Red Castle Recoveries Ltd. which is run by the same vultures who run wonga dot com

    Have they sent you a proof of debt letter, if they haven't, then the Office of Fair Trading have a letter template where you can request it.

    Also, it is contrary to them holding a consumer credit licence to recover debt if they carry out certain activities, one of which is ;

    failing to cease debt recovery activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt when the debtor has, or appears as if he may have, valid grounds for the query or dispute.

    Full guidance is here

    The letter looks like this and basically puts the DCA on notice to provide evidence of a legally-enforceable debt.


    Red Castle Recoveries

    Your Ref.: XXXXXXXX

    Dear Sirs,

    I refer to your letter dated [date of letter] regarding an alleged debt of which I have no record and for which I accept no liability whatsoever.

    If your company has clear and lawful evidence of a legally-enforceable debt, you must produce such evidence forthwith.

    Your company is put on notice that it is a breach of the OFT Debt Collection Guidelines to allege an individual owes money without providing lawful evidence of a lawful debt and threatening court proceedings without providing evidence of grounds in law for bringing such proceedings.

    Your company has seven (7) calendar days from the date of this letter in which to provide lawful evidence of a legally-enforceable debt against me. If no such evidence is forthcoming, I shall regard your demands as unwarranted. Should your company then continue to make any further demands or threats of any description whatsoever, such conduct shall be regarded as conduct contrary to the Criminal Law.
    #21 Pete H, Jul 5, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2013
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  2. vvtr

    vvtr New Member

    May 27, 2013
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    Yeh ive used that same template before.
    Think i found it on consumer credit site or sumat.

    My case is currently back in the capable hands of hastings complaints dept
    Ive already fkt red castle off :)
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