With my hips I struggle to get that low bud. One issue I did have. And a tip to anyone . I put heat reflective stuff on the belly at the rear but it does need this on the whole left side. After warming it up it was bubbling the stickers left of the under tray. And very hot. After adding more heat tape it was not even warm
I haven't used any heat reflective tape and no issues yet my exhaust nearly touches it at rear aswell
well i know it will be cooler when running rather than standing still but thought it was worth adding just in case
I should have added a reply after my first track day at Donny with my new fairing. IT DID NOT FALL APART!!! but did notice you do need to use heat tape which I used silicone to help reduce the hear from the headers on the underbelly of the fairing. hoping to drag the fairing out again soon after my kit car mods and respray it as i was not 100% happy with it and get on track more this year