I really enjoy this helmet. I wear a M in Shoei, Arai and AGV. The gen 3 is lighter than my RF1200 and the shell seems a bit smaller, which I like. I fitted my Sena to it without issue. The ear pads snap out and the speakers fit perfect. The ratchet on the visor is a bit stiffer than the previous generations, but that's a good thing at speed. Th helmet is stable at speed, unlike other helmets I've owned. The air foils work. In full tuck, the field of vision is better than most helmets, but not as good as the AGV Pista GPR. It has the pinlock system and a very nice ratcheting tear-off system as well. It is a little noisy with all the vents open, but thhat's not really been an issue. The small vent on the chin channels air to your temples, which I really like. I do not think you will be disappointed with this helmet.
That's a right good price! Saw this today at a dealers so called big sale and it's more expensive than yours and probably been worn by folks trying it on bleurgh
Sure is Lozzy…...i'm just in the process of trying to return my HJC RPHA 11 KYLO REN XL and exchange it for the SHOEI X SPIRIT 3. i'm out of the 14 day return policy that Helmet City have in place, but if i'm exchanging and throwing more cash at them, they may show mercy on me!!
They've agreed to it! Just got too post it back to them, pay the difference over the phone and they'll send the Shoei out to me! Just a stroke of pure luck that it just so happens to be Helmet City are doing these at such a great price and is also where I got the HJC from! I'd be stuck trying to sell it on otherwise
So that's both you and @Selmer50mark with new lids for summer now I'm going to have to get one I think, so I don't let the side down
What can you find in this picture Lozzy? I can see something silver, takes battery’s and comes from Ann summers
I have my sights on an AGV Pista GPR 20th anniversary VR46 helmet. Pricey bit of kit, but it is a phenomenal helmet.
Have one. Best helmet I ever had. But apart from a AVG GP Pro (garbage) and a NEXX XR1.R (also garbage), never really tried helmets except Shoei (XR1000 & XR1100)
Ok so......returned HJC that didn't fit today and the new X Spirit will hopefully arrive before the weekend and I can try and get out on Sunday! Can't praise Helmet City enough for their customer service and allowing me to return the HJC when it was outside their returns policy time frame. Not only that, the HJC was and absolute bargain, it just didn't fit. Also the Shoei X Spirit 3 is literally the lowest price I've seen anywhere on the internet. Shameless plug but they deserve it!
I'm in the market for a new lid had a shark rsr pro for 6 yrs been a great lid but fancy a change I am a Small and lucky that Agv Shoei and Arai all fit good although in the Arai need to put in XS cheek pads when I was fitted....found the Arai weighs just a little bit more and feels good as for Shoei really liked it good shape and seamed to sit higher just don't like any of there paint schemes....black Marcquez rep is nice but a bit keen like the Arai Maverick lastest one with Danger on the sides and hot gases written on the spoilers...hmm tough decision love the AGV but not £800