"KEN"................................"REMAL".............................!!!!!! Have we been invaded ????
"smart is the future of Vietnam come home with a smart investment holding company and commercial development of the smart DVN" Some form of industrial espionage maybe...
Wel, wat werklik vang my kak, is wanneer ek kom op ons forum om te praat met my vriende en 'n paar vreemde moeder fokker het binnegeval dit probeer om te verkoop vir my goedkoop kak ................ Ha Ha Ha
Well, that really caught my shit, when I come to our forum to talk to my friends and some strange mother fucker have invaded it tried to sell me cheap shit ........... ..... Ha ha ha
Banned and deleted. If anyone's going to talk abject bollocks on here, it's going to be me. There are quite a few of these cropping up at the moment so keep an eye open guys, the threat of international communism requires eternal vigilance. ...and possibly an airstrike.
Sorry about the language. But isn't Google Translate a beautiful thing..................................
Id prefer a team of Ninja's HAHO'ing in. Then lasing that Mother F******* letterbox from a few clicks away and calling it in..................................
Ha, plans are for wimps Going over to Thefirebloke one evening next week, tbh every roads a beauty Jon. We're looking at taking a few days around northern Spain first before we head to Andorra. The only real planning will be the meeting in Spain, after that? It's an adventure
KPONE He He He I was one of the "Prawns", Gary, AWESOME. Ive sent you the timings of my arrivals haven't I !!?? Its just me getting to you as fast as possible and then let the good times roll...................So I assume you guys just crack on and we can make contact when Im close etc etc Hope you're still happy for to tag along as is your compadre ??