Terror attacks on soldiers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by martinowen, May 22, 2013.

  1. HRCTrev09

    HRCTrev09 Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Our country allows these extremists C#NTS to live amongst us!:mad: And the thing is these bastards are all ready known by the authorities but the still allow them to reside with us! :mad: All known extremists should be deported now!
    My thoughts are with the young mans family god know what there going through! But the fact the media showed that fuckin animal with that poor guys blood all over him with the weapons used is fuckin shockin with no thot for his family but only ratings :mad: fuckin parasites!

    But those animals should be doused in petrol and set alight then extinguished repeatedly!... then tortured till almost dead then allowed to heal then the process repeated! Stopping the cunts benefits would probably be more effective!
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  2. arthurbikemad

    arthurbikemad A very helpful Gent

    Aug 18, 2011
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    Watching the poor family speaking to the press is SO sad.... Don't think I have any words to sum up how gutted the whole thing is.. I feel for them...


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  3. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    'Any words to sum up' is about right Arthur. Further to what I said last night. Attending the funeral of my oldest son’s best friend’s dad and my friend who was killed by the most cowardly of weapons, an IED. I was totally lost for any words of comfort to say to my son who was attending his first funeral. To see one of your own crumple and not be able to find one single word to 'make it right' is heart breaking.
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  4. jokeshopbeard

    jokeshopbeard Active Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    That's really well worded Freedom, in fact the most eloquent and apt description I have seen off the back of this whole event. All these knee-jerk 'kick all these bastards out of our country' reactions are completely immature and counter productive and I'm sure, in some way, exactly what the designers of an atrocious act such as this would have wanted. Why give these people the pleasure of us all reacting in a way which they would want? The right choices can only ever be made when we discount our anger and look at things with a level head.

    What gets me though is how much people have latched onto this whole thing when there are so many atrocities occurring all over the world which we don't care to think or bat an eyelid at. Have any of you guys seen what is happening to civilians in places like Syria and Sudan? To people who, unlike this guy, didn't ever even make a conscious choice to fight, but simply get maimed in their hundreds and thousands?

    The whole thing just seems a little unbalanced when you step back and look at the bigger picture. But that's just me. Flame away.
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  5. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    I get the bigger picture mate, and making sure the world is a better place for us all, that's what we do, why we normally go to war (apart from oil prices ;) ) to try and give people the freedom and security we all live in this country and take for granted.

    Why the reaction is so strong in this instance is due to it happening in our own back yard, the very heart of our country, to a lad who has risked so much to ensure that people in other countries have a decent live in a stable environment.

    End of the day mate. Got to look after your own 1st. Then sort the rest out.
  6. IcarusGreen

    IcarusGreen Elite Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    It's the first time I've read through this topic and believe me when I say there's some strong feelings about this incident out here with the lads. Several of us sat up until the small hours watching the news and to me it brings home again the reasoning behind us being out here if Afghan. Many of the lads that have done several tours here can see the huge difference that's been made but unfortunately there will,always be the extremists.

    The really ironic thing is that the murderers were blaming British soldiers for killing innocent women and children when in reality it's the Taliban who are killing women and children on a daily basis and we are the ones protecting them and assisting them in building better lives out of oppression.
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  7. arthurbikemad

    arthurbikemad A very helpful Gent

    Aug 18, 2011
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    So many ironies, the British army protecting others in a country they want them out of? Strange how you have to go to war and fight for peace...
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  8. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    One of the only things worth fighting for art...
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  9. GappySmeg

    GappySmeg Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2012
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    A good article about the difference between "real Islam" and the twisted spin put on it by the fundamentalists, can be found here: BBC News - Viewpoint: What do radical Islamists actually believe in?

    I used to live next door to a group of muslim students... nice guys, but a right pain in the backside during ramadan. They were always bemoaning the twisting of their religion by a narrow minority, although back then I didnt really grasp how much the Islam fundamentalists would come to impact on our lives. Wish I had listened to them better and learnt more.
  10. Gblade

    Gblade Active Member

    Apr 15, 2012
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    I would have dived in without thinking and nailed the knob head. Completely agree with comments in this quote. It's sickening and what's the bet they got benefits?
  11. Freedom of choice

    Freedom of choice Elite Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I have spent a far bit of time in Penang, Malaysia because that’s where L was brought up and some of her family still live, and I have to say a nicer bunch of people you would not wish to meet. I just wish they would pack in the shouting at dawn when you have been out on the piss all night.

    Ignore that last comment I was just being flippant. I have already made my feelings on Islam quite clear.

    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Religion is control.Religion was created to control the masses.That is why I get curious when people go on about their religion at my door or when I'm out n about.Religion is not needed today, if only everyone dropped their ego, greed and ask for peace and tranquility to everybody.We don't need money banks or governments.Just communities willing to share amongst those that live within it.Zionists are IMO the cause of wars.Zionists control banks, governments etc etc.For what greed and power.RIP young lad.
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  13. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Don't think anybody is slating Islam or muslims freedom. Just extremists that hide behind religion.

    Hitler was a catholic after all.
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  14. coupe312

    coupe312 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    religions aren't the problem it the extremism that some take it to....
  15. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Religion is the excuse. It is all about power and control., mind you some would understandably say that is what religion is all about.

    The reason this this murder resonates so much is the manner of the death. We can to a large degree comprehend death by shooting or IED, but the nature of the killing is beyond the pale. To a large extent it reminds me of the killing of the two Royal Signals Corporals in 1988, which even by the standard of the times was a brutal attack, and one which still affects me when I think about it, even more so then the shooting of a colleague's wife by the IRA a year later.
  16. lambeth longshanks

    lambeth longshanks Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Another irony - a Lambeth man killing a member of my dad's old regiment. What a world.
  17. Barstewardsquad

    Barstewardsquad God Like

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Life if very ironic at times. Sadly the idea of "I don't necessarily agree with what you say/believe but I will fight for your right to do so" is not a global one.

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