The Worst road users

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mike07, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. RepsolPaul

    RepsolPaul Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Remembered another, well two actually, coming up to lights, junction, whatever and some one waiting to pull out, so I stop early, let them out, didn't have to and the don't wave, nod,flash not a sausage !! aAAGGGHHH

    People coming the other way, cars parked on their side of the road, they have let a few through so to be fair I stop and let a couple go, and the rest keep coming !!! After the first lots go and not even a thanks, I just drive straight towards them, they get the hump because I won't wait to let them through as well !!!
    Had one the other day, he stopped, I told him I was fed up with everyone taking the p\$$ so that's why I drove at him,,,because I was in a Cayenne he called me a pompous git ??? Me ??? I shouted out, Pompous, I came from a council estate but just work hard !!! Lol my wife did laugh !!!

    Good job we have tight gun laws, some days !!! Lol
  2. wurzel

    wurzel Active Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Police superintendants that ram into you while filtering and then lie their bolocks off to the insurance companies to make them believe they are in the right.

    My own personal battle at the moment.
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  3. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    Yeah coppers always seem to think they are in the right, even when they are not :(

    I can't stand hypocritical people, road users or not lol ;)
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  4. Garyb

    Garyb Moderator.
    Staff Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Good thread reading through all the experiences.

    Remember this one time when we got a call to dig a car out of the front of a tram 'one of many' by the Metropole hotel.
    Now anyone that's been, will perhaps remember the old lay out of this open section?, cars heading north would at some point have to meet a tram going south and negotiate either a go right or left manoeuvre.
    A young lady did as such and got it totally wrong and hit the tram 'which by this point had seen what was happening and stopped' full on.
    Giving her version of the story, she was adamant that the tram driver had at no point made an attempt to avoid the collision and continued to head straight at her, and that he made no attempt to swerve and miss her at any point.

    My point, like some before me in their comments.
    I think there are acts of stupidness that should warrant the licences of the person being ripped up in front of their eyes, kicked up the arse and directed to the nearest bus stop.
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    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    A few years back while the new a249 was being built, a lot of commuters came through the village of Borden.One morning there was a car smack in the middle of the road.No way of getting round it and cars building up behind it.I bibbed and so did someone else.A man came out of the shop with 2 envelopes and put stamps on them then posted them in the letterbox.Now this took about 5 minutes, by this time an elderly gent got out of his car and bollocked the driver.He pushed him out of the way and told him to eff off.I'd had enough of this prick, I jumped out and collared him.He told me to eff off, he got a smack in the mouth.All the drivers saw this and cheered.The guy drove off and we went on our way.Some people think they own the road:rolleyes:
  6. Mike07

    Mike07 Active Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I think a lot of the trouble with cyclists is down to..... A/ no training on the road, so frankly they are ignorant of how to ride correctly. B/ They feel above the law because they don't have to comply with it because it's not applied to them. If a cyclist scratches your car/bike even if they stop they can just give a false name. It may take a major accident caused by, say a cyclist shooting a red light, then the cyclist not being insured. Some poor bugger badly injured and unable to get compensation to support themselves. To address this Uninsured, Unregulated, Unqualified, Cyclists.
  7. JM1

    JM1 Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Yeah but you just don't see them around so much these days. I blame ABS.
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  8. restone

    restone Active Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    Any one who doesn't observe, anticipate,and fails to regard the other HUMAN BEINGS around them while driving a potentially lethal weapon without so much as giving the slightest thought to this fact. I.e puts anything above this on the priority list, deal with that shit once you've parked up.

    School run time is fecking lethal to anyone on a bike or cycle
  9. Kblade

    Kblade New Member

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Here Here spot on.
  10. Muffking

    Muffking God Like

    Jun 30, 2012
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    lol. Saw a fella texting earlier, he'd pulled up in the lane next to me at some red lights. There was a quick exchange of comments i.e. "Get off your phone!", "No, I'm not driving", then he had a filter light where the cars ahead of him drove off leaving him oblivious to the queue he was creating at his now green light as he was too busy texting. Yeah no harm done ehh... Nobber!!!

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